Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Baptism: Sprinkling or Immersion?

Some denominations get passionate about their method of baptism. Advocates of both methods make some good points about their method that can give us a richer view of baptism.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Real Faith Dictates Our Actions

My wife is convinced that organic food is more nutritious than regular food, so she pays extra money for it—sometimes double the price (which really makes me cringe). But she does that because she BELIEVES it’s worth it. She has FAITH that organic is healthier, and her faith dictates her actions. Similarly, when we have real faith in Jesus, it affects the way we live.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

What’s the Meaning of Baptism?

The English word “baptize” comes from the Greek word “baptizein,” which means “to immerse.” While water baptism is just a symbol, it represents being spiritually submerged into Christ. Jesus is life, so when I become united to Jesus through baptism, I become united to life.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

What Does it Mean to “Fear” God?

I always though the phrase “fear God” was kind of strange. Why should we fear Him if He is our loving Father? While the Hebrew word for “fear” can mean “to be scared of,” it can also mean “to be in awe of.” If we fear God, that means we believe in Him, recognize his power, and have at least some level of faith in Him.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

How Moses Represents Jesus

Did you know that Moses and Aaron represent and foreshadow Jesus in many ways? Moses freed people from slavery, led them into a better place, wandered the desert for 40 years, and even made a crucifixion pose to supernaturally end a battle. Moses’s brother, Aaron, also symbolized Christ as the high priest who bore Israel’s shame. Check out this commentary to discover the spiritual meaning behind Moses and Aaron.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

The Human Spirit is Like a Puff of Smoke

Ecclesiastes repeatedly uses an important play on words that gets lost in English translations. That hidden wordplay is used to suggest a connection between the human spirit and vanity. When it says everything is “meaningless,” that word is very similar to the word used for spirit.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

The Biblical Definition of Faith is “Dependence”

What is the biblical definition of “faith?” The Hebrew word “aman” defines it as an act of supporting, upholding, or nourishing. The Greek word “pistis” defines it is as active belief, trust, and confidence. Hebrews 11:1 defines it as assurance and conviction. After considering all these sources, we can conclude that faith in Jesus looks like relying on Him and depending on Him.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Our Definition of “Faith” is Fragmented

What is the biblical definition & meaning of "faith?" We commonly think faith is "intellectually agreeing with a claim," but the Bible suggests otherwise. Looking at the Greek word "pistis," the Hebrew word "aman," and Hebrews 11:1 imply that saving Christian faith is more like actively depending on Jesus & relying on Him.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Selling Ourselves to God is the Most Logical Option

The Egyptians sold everything they had to Joseph in exchange for food during the famine, because staying alive was worth it. That represents the way we should sell everything we have—even ourselves—to Jesus, because having His eternal life is worth the cost.

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