Selling Ourselves to God is the Most Logical Option

There’s some cool symbolism between Joseph and Jesus.

During a famine Joseph gave the gift of life by distributing food, just like how Jesus distributes eternal life.

By Genesis 47, Joseph had accumulated all the money in Egypt by selling food to the public. After the citizens ran out of money, they started selling their livestock to Joseph in exchange for food. Then when they ran out of livestock, they actually started selling themselves.

They came to Joseph and said,

“Your majesty, as you can see, all our money is gone and now you have all our animals too. My superior, the only things we still have are our bodies and our land. There’s no point in dying here in front of you or letting our land go to waste, so buy us and our land in exchange for food. We’ll become Pharaoh’s slaves.”

—Genesis 47:18–19

This paints such a cool picture of the way we should sell ourselves to God like the New Testament describes. The thought of selling ourselves to God can seem pretty scary, but it’s actually the most logical thing to do. Partaking in the life He supplies is THAT valuable. Because He’s our constant supplier of life, we don’t even have the slightest bit of life apart from Him.


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