You Won’t Miss a Thing in Heaven (or Egypt)

In Genesis, Joseph symbolizes Jesus: Joseph saved the world from dying in a famine just like Jesus saved the world from dying in hell.

To jog your memory, God supernaturally warned Joseph about a 7-year famine, so Pharaoh put him in charge of making sure they had enough food for it. When Joseph’s brothers go to Egypt to get food, they don’t recognize their brother Joseph. Joseph messes with them a little bit, but then reveals himself to his brothers and has them go back home to bring their dad to Egypt’s food party.

When Joseph sends this message to his father, Pharaoh chimes in and tells Joseph’s dad:

“Don’t even worry about bringing your possessions, because all of Egypt’s abundance will be yours.”

—Genesis 45

In other words, Egypt has everything you could possibly ever want or need. It’s not even bringing all your current belongings, because those are just junk compared to what we have here.

This statement is really awesome, because it symbolizes what our perspective should be on going to heaven. Heaven will be so full of abundant riches that we won’t even think twice about our most cherished earthly possessions.


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