A Pet & its Beloved Master: Psalm 23 Commentary

Psalm 23:1 paints the picture of a pet sheep standing at the entrance of a scary valley and finding reassurance by looking up at its powerful master and remembering all the ways He’s taken care of it. When we face scary things in life, we can look to Jesus and remember all the ways He’s taken care of us.

It’s kind of like that deep bond that a pet dog forms with its beloved master. When the dog’s owner cares for it every day, they form deep bonds of friendship and loyalty. We can develop those same bonds with Jesus when we recognize Him as our provider.

The entire Psalm is actually a list of all the things Jesus provides for me:

  • Food (green pastures)

  • Water

  • Rest

  • Guidance

  • Peace

  • Love & Significance (anoints head with oil)

Notice how the list speaks to both our physical needs and spiritual needs.

He always keeps my doggy dish full of food, and when the wild animals come around, they can all see how good my master is.

No matter how scary things get, I don’t have to be afraid, because I can look to my strong master who always takes care of me no matter what.

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