Dramatic Sex Scandals in the Bible

Society thinks that the Bible is bland and irrelevant when it’s actually filled with the same sex, violence, and drama that they watch on Netflix for entertainment. Here are some of my favorite television-worthy sex scandal stories in scripture.

Woman Disguises Herself & Sleeps with Father-in-Law for Revenge

One of Israel’s patriarchs, Judah, wrongs his daughter-in-law by refusing to let her marry his other son after the first two died. To secure her future, she disguises herself as a prostitute and sleeps with her father-in-law for revenge. When she gets pregnant, Judah orders to kill her, but she reveals his identity as the true father.

Full story: Genesis 38

Brothers Murder Entire City After its Prince Rapes their Sister

When Jacob moves to a new town, his daughter gets raped by the prince of that town, Shechem. Her brothers are so enraged that they trick all the townsmen into circumcising themselves and then slaughter the entire town while everyone is still vulnerable.

Genesis 34

Daughters Intoxicate Father & Take Turns Sleeping with Him

After God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot escaped to the mountains with his daughters. They didn’t have any other men around to give them children, so they got their own father drunk and took turns sleeping with him.

Full story: End of Genesis 19

Virgin Sleeps with King to Become Queen then Saves her People

The king of Persia banished his own wife after getting mad at her, so then he basically held a contest where he slept with a bunch of virgins to find his next wife. A young Israelite woman named Esther accepted the challenge and successfully won the king’s favor and became his queen. She later used her influence to save the Israelite people.

Full story: book of Esther

King Murders Friend to Conceal Affair with Friend’s Wife

After (accidentally?) seeing his friend’s wife naked, King David ends up sleeping with her. To cover up his affair, David orchestrates his friend’s death in battle then marries his wife for himself. A prophet confronts David, exposing his scandal and foretells of future repercussions.

Full story: 2 Samuel 11

God Instructs His Own Prophet to Marry a Prostitute

Hosea was an OT prophet who God instructed to marry a prostitute, Gomer. Gomer’s unfaithful relationship with her husband serves as an allegory for God’s relationship with the unfaithful nation of Israel.

Full story: book of Hosea

Queen Fails to Seduce Employee then Accuses Him of Rape

Potiphar’s wife notices of Joseph’s good looks and repeatedly tries to seduce him, but Joseph remains faithful to his master and refuses her advances. Despite his rejection, Potiphar's wife falsely accuses Joseph of trying to assault her, which leads to Joseph being unjustly thrown into prison.

Full story: Genesis 39


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