A New Psalm

This past Sunday our house church wrote a Psalm together. We all just talked about what was going on in our lives while I took notes. This Psalm is a compilation of some of the things that were said.

When it rains it pours, and my human side falls into despair. 

My finances are a mess, and I’m afflicted with anxiety. 

I struggle to keep my focus, and my mind wanders hopelessly. 

When You’re not in my life, I get bored of even myself.

Everything seems so real, but it’s all just a dim reflection. 

When You aren’t guiding me, I stumble in my blindness. 

I’m filled with so much shame, but that doesn’t stop you from loving me. 

My future feels uncertain, so I try to push away the trials. 

I can’t control my circumstances, but I invite You into them. 

You meet me in my darkest places, giving me more than I could ever ask or imagine. 

I feel so humbled, just sitting at Your feet.

I am feeble and weak, but You are strong. 

When I’m lost in loneliness, You send me friends. 

In You I find my rest; You teach me to enjoy the little things.

You protect my dreams, sitting on the edge of my bed while I sleep.

I place my worries in Your hands, and in exchange You give me peace. 

Whenever I seek, You cause me to find. 

I can’t always feel You, but You never leave my side. 

I wanna learn to be tender; come and soften my heart. 

You give me good gifts in this world, but they’re fuzzy reflections of You. 

Let all the hardships I face invite me to grow more like You. 

Your faithfulness is sure; it gives me confidence to the end. 

When I encounter difficulties, I know I can depend on You.

Jesus, I’m learning what it means to make You my best friend. 

I Invite You into every moment; come and make everything holy. 

No matter what comes my way, I’ll take refuge in the Prince of Peace.


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