What Does it Mean to “Fear” God?

I always thought that “Fearing God” was a strange concept. If God is our loving Father, then why should we be scared of Him?

While the Hebrew word for “fear” CAN mean being “afraid,” it can also mean being “in awe.” I think both of these definitions apply to fearing God, but I also think that fearing God is really similar to having faith in Him.

Being Afraid of God

No one really describes God as dangerous, but He actually is—and dangerous things deserve a healthy amount of fear. People are scared of snakes because they can poison us. People are scared of heights, because we could fall from them and die. Because those kinds of things are dangerous, they deserve a healthy level of fear and respect. If God is even more capable of ending our lives than those other things, then it makes sense for us to be afraid of Him.

Being in Awe of God

In the Bible, the word “fear” can also mean “being in awe.” For example, there’s a popular verse that describes humans as being “fearfully and wonderfully made.” In that context, the word “fear” doesn’t have anything to do with being scared—it’s about being in awe. We are “awesomely” made. So “fearing” God isn’t just about being scared of Him—it’s also about being in awe of Him.

Having Faith in God

If you fear God, that means you believe in His existence, recognize His authority, and respect His power. It also means that you trust Him to follow through on His word.

So overall, fearing God is pretty similar to having faith in Him.


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