How Moses Represents Jesus

Moses & Jesus: Similarities and Symbolism

Moses represents Christ in the following ways:

  • Heard from God: Moses had a special connection that no one else had. He constantly heard directly from God and even relay'ed God’s messages to the Israelites. That foreshadowed the way that Jesus also heard directly from the Father and communicated that message to humanity.

  • Brought Salvation: Moses brought God’s people out of slavery (to Egypt) and led them into a better place (the Promised Land). Jesus brought humanity out of slavery (to sin) and led us into a better place (eternal life).

  • Had a Crucifixion Pose: There was one time when the Israelites were in an intense battle, but they started winning whenever Moses held his hands up in the air. And when he let his hands droop, the Israelites actually started losing the battle! (Ex 17:11–12) So two other Israelite leaders came next to Moses and helped him hold his hands up. That pose represented Jesus’s pose on the cross. Moses’s “crucifixion pose” is what saved his people, just like Jesus’s crucifixion is what saved humanity.

  • Wandered the Desert: Moses led Isreal when they wandered the desert for 40 years eating the food God provided them. Jesus spent 40 days in the desert living only off of the “spiritual food” God provided Him.

  • Fasted for 40 Days: Moses talked to God for 40 days and nights without eating. (Ex 34:28) Jesus spent 40 days in the wasteland without eating.

  • Sprinkled Blood: Moses sprinkled the sacrifice’s blood on the Israelites to cleanse them from their sins. (Ex 24:8) Jesus sprinkled His own blood on humanity to cleanse us from our sins.

Aaron & Jesus: Similarities and Symbolism

While Moses foreshadowed Jesus pretty heavily, there were ways his brother Aaron symbolized Jesus too:

  • Carried the Shame: At the altar, Aaron carried Israel’s judgment sentence over his heart in front of God. (Ex 28:30) On the cross Jesus carried our shame in front of God.

  • Set Apart: Aaron was set apart to be Israel’s priest, and his sons were also set apart just like he was. Similarly, Jesus was set apart to be humanity’s priest, and now we are set apart just like Jesus was. (Ex 40:14)


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