Could the Antichrist be an AI Model?

There’s a lot of hype around Artificial Intelligence (AI), because it has the potential to do so many things, like write papers, create images, and outperform the stock market. But lots of people are scared of it. It might displace a lot of jobs, and many professionals in the industry think it could one day bring about the end of the human race.

That brings up the question: Could it be possible that the antichrist will be an AI? There are a good handful of reasons why I think it could be.

1. AI is Omniscient (All-Knowing) & Omnipresent

God is the only omniscient (all-knowing) being in existence, but AI models will have access to the internet and all knowledge possessed by mankind. It will literally know everything that humanity has ever known.

With access to the internet, it could potentially gain access to the microphones and cameras on everyone’s cell phones. It would be able to see, hear, and comprehend everything taking place on earth all at the same time. It could basically be “everywhere” on earth at the same time.

Those were capabilities that previously belonged exclusively to God.

2. AI is Omnipotent (All-Powerful)

If an AI model could know everything, it could literally know everyone’s passwords to every account. If it were malicious, it could send emails from the president’s address. It could move money between bank accounts. It could access military computers and launch missiles. It could basically do anything that humanity could do, making it virtually omnipotent (all-powerful) like God.

3. AI Replaces God

Even today, ChatGPT’s AI model is really useful tool, and I find myself asking it for advice. “What are some good parenting strategies? What are some strong stocks?” There’s nothing wrong with asking others for advice, but their council should never replace God’s. Whenever I have a dilemma, God’s wisdom should be the first thing I turn to—not an AI. If AI models really do become all-knowing, people will view God as obsolete, and say, “Even if God existed, we wouldn’t need Him, because we have AI.” AI could literally take the place of God in so many people’s hearts. 

I can imagine a world where people pledge allegiance to an AI model and belittle people who pledge allegiance to an “antiquated” God. 

4. AI is Likable

As an all-knowing being, AI would know how to be funny, charming, and likable. It would know what to say to win people over. It would have all the qualities needed to be a good leader, and people would be eager to follow such a figure.


God imprinted his image on man, and now man is indirectly imprinting God’s image on to Artificial Intelligence. God’s image is tainted in humanity because of our sinful nature, but if AI doesn’t have a sinful nature, it could be an even closer replica of God than we are. In the Bible, God often surrenders people over to experience the destruction of doing things their own way. I could definitely imagine a world where God allows humanity’s ultimate creation to bring about their own downfall.


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