Simple Bible

Scripture Paraphrased for Simplicity

Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Exodus 1

Egypt enslaves Israel and Pharaoh tries to kill Israelite newborn boys.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Daniel 11

Daniel’s vision of Xerxes, Alexander the Great, Ptolmy, Antiochus Epiphanes, and the Antichrist.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Daniel 10

Daniel has vision of Jesus that drains his strength, but Jesus touches him and restores his strength.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Daniel 8

Daniel’s vision of a goat overtaking a ram

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Daniel 7

Daniel dreams of 4 animals symbolizing four empires

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Daniel 6

Daniel’s co-rulers get him thrown into a pit of lions, but God saves him.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Daniel 5

God’s hand writes on the wall, foretelling Babylon’s fall.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Daniel 4

God humbles Nebuchadnezzar by banishing him and making him eat grass for seven years.  

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Daniel 3

Nebuchadnezzar throws Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego into the burning furnace, but God protects them.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Daniel 2

God gives Nebuchadnezzar a dream foretelling future empires.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Daniel 1

God lets Daniel be better than Nebuchadnezzar’s men.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Romans 15

We should help the weak instead of only caring about ourselves.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Romans 14

Whether you eat or abstain, do it for God.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Romans 13

Obey governments. Love each other. Drop darkness & wield weapons of light. 

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Romans 12

Live for God. Don’t conform to the world. Love your fellow Christians. 

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Romans 11

God cut off some Israelites and grafted some non-Israelites into his family.

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Jordan Alessi Jordan Alessi

Romans 10

The law produces life, but Jesus is the pinnacle of life. 

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