Daniel 10

Daniel sees vision of Jesus

In the third year of King Cyrus’s reign over Persia, a message was revealed to Daniel (whose name was Balteshazzar). The message described an intense conflict, but it was true. Daniel analyzed the vision and understood it.

At that time, I, Daniel, had been mourning for three weeks straight. I wasn’t eating anything tasteful (including meat and wine), and I didn’t use any cosmetics until the three weeks had passed. 

On the 24th day of the first month, I stood on the bank of the great Tigris river, and I looked up and saw a man wearing linen clothes and a belt of Uphaz’s finest gold. His body dazzled like a precious gem, and his face looked like lightning. His eyes burned like fiery torches, while his arms and legs shined like polished bronze. His voice sounded like an army.

Even though I was with other people, I’m the only one who saw the vision, yet the people with me were struck with such an extreme sense of dread that they ran away to hide. So I was the only one left to witness this intense vision.

Vision drains Daniel’s strength

Witnessing this vision completely drained me: my normal vigor turned to ruin, and I had no more strength left. As soon as I heard the sound of his voice, I fell unconscious with my face flat on the ground. A hand touched me and I staggered to my hands and knees. He said,

“Oh Daniel, treasured one, stand up and take note of what I’m about to tell you, because I’ve been sent to you.”

When he said that, I stood up trembling, and he said,

“Don’t be scared, Daniel, because I’ve come in response to the words you spoke when your heart first humbled itself before God and determined to understand this.

The ruler of the Persian empire opposed me for 21 days, then Michael, one of the first rulers, came to help me, because I had been left there with Persia’s rulers. Now I came to teach you what will happen to your people during the end times. The vision pertains to things that are yet to come.”

After he told me that, I turned my face toward the ground utterly speechless. Then someone resembling a human being was touching my lips, so I opened my mouth and said,

“Oh master, I’m overwhelmed with anguish over this vision, and I have no strength left. How can a mere servant of my master even converse with someone like my master? I don’t have any breath of strength left in me.”

Jesus restores Daniel’s strength

Then the one resembling a human being touched me again and strengthened me, saying,

“Oh treasured one, don’t be afraid. Be at peace, and be strong!”

And as soon as he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said,

“Speak to me, Master, because you’ve strengthened me.”

Jesus needs to go back to fighting Persia & Greece’s rulers

Then he asked me,

“Do you know why I came to you? Now I need to go back to wage war against Persia’s ruler, and Greece’s ruler is about to come too. But I’ll still tell you what’s written in the document of truth. No one is strong with me against these forces except for Michael, your ruler.”


Daniel 11


Daniel 9