Daniel 7

Daniel dreams of 4 animals

In the first year of King Belshazzar’s reign over Babylon, Daniel had a dream one night. He wrote down the following summary of it: 

“In my vision, I saw heaven’s four spirits stirring up the great sea, and four powerful animals emerged from the sea. They were each different from the others. 

“The first was like a lion with wings like an eagle. As I watched, its wings got plucked off, and it was lifted off the ground and planted on two feet like a person. It was also given a human mind. 

“The second looked like a bear. It was standing on one side, and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. They told it to stand up and devour a lot of meat. 

“As I kept watching, I saw the third animal which looked like a leopard that had four bird-like wings on its back. It also had four heads, and it was given dominion. 

Fourth animal has horns and crushes the others

“As my vision continued, I saw the fourth animal which was terrifying, dreadful, and exceedingly strong with large iron teeth. It trampled the rest, shattering them and devouring their remains. It was different from its predecessors, and it had ten horns. While I was contemplating its horns, another small horn sprouted up between the rest, and three of the original horns were pulled out by their roots. The new horn had eyes like a person, and a mouth full of boasting. 

God’s courtroom opens the books

“As I kept watching, thrones were set up, and Time’s Most Ancient One sat down. His clothing was pure white like snow, and the hair on his head was like spotless wool. His throne was made of flames, and its wheels were a burning fire. A river of fire flowed out from his presence. Thousands and thousands were serving him, and billions stood in front of him. The court sat down and the books were opened.

Fourth animal is killed

“I kept watching because I heard the horn saying arrogant things. I kept watching until the animal was killed and its body was destroyed and placed in the burning fire. The rest of the animals had their dominion taken away, but they were allowed to continue living for a fixed amount of time. 

Jesus receives authority

“As my night vision continued, someone like the Culmination of Humanity came in a flurry of clouds and approached Time’s Most Ancient One. He was given dominion, honor, and an empire so that everyone from all ethnicities, countries, and languages might serve him. His dominion continues perpetually and won’t end. His empire won’t ever be destroyed.

The animals represent empires

“My spirit was distressed, and these mental visions kept alarming me. I approached someone standing by and asked him what all of this meant, so he told me it’s interpretation. 

‘These four great animals are four rulers who will arise from the earth. But the Supreme One’s people will receive the empire and possess it forever, perpetually.’

Fourth empire oppresses God’s people, but God’s people eventually reign

“Then I wanted to know the meaning of the fourth animal which was especially dreadful with its iron teeth and bronze claws that crushed, trampled, and devoured the rest. I also wanted to know the meaning of the ten horns on its head and the new horn that sprouted up causing three of the original horns to fall. Why did that horn have eyes and a boastful mouth? And why was it bigger than the other horns? As I kept watching, that horn started waging war against God’s people and overpowering them until Time’s Most Ancient One arrived and rulings were passed in favor of the Ultimate One’s people. Then the time came for his people to take possession of the empire. 

Fourth empire crushes the world and God’s people, but God’s people eventually reign

“Here’s what he told me:

‘The fourth animal will be a fourth empire in the world that will be different from all the other empires. It will crush the whole world, trample it down, and devour it. The ten horns represent ten rulers that will arise from this empire. Another ruler will rise after them who will be different than the previous ones that will bring down three of the others. He will speak out against the Ultimate One and wear down the Ultimate One’s people. He will try to change times and laws, and they will be handed over to him for a time, times, and half a time. But the court will hold his trial and his authority will be taken away from him, permanently ended and erased. Then the authority, dominion, and greatness of all the empires under heaven will be given to the Ultimate One’s people. His empire will be an eternal empire that will serve him and obey him.’”

Then the revelation ended. I was so alarmed by my thoughts that it changed my demeanor, but I kept it all to myself. 


Daniel 8


Daniel 6