Romans 10

(1) The law produces righteousness, but Jesus is the pinnacle of righteousness

My fellow believers, I plead with God for Israel’s salvation because that’s my heart’s desire for them. I can attest that they’re enthusiastic about God, but they don’t know Him. They were ignorant of God’s righteousness, so instead of submitting themselves to His righteousness, they tried to establish their own. The whole purpose of the law was to produce righteousness, but righteousness reaches its pinnacle in The Chosen One for everyone who entrusts Him. 

(5) The law is actually referencing Jesus

Moses writes that the law produces righteousness, and that whoever puts it into practice will experience life from its righteousness. But when our righteousness comes from trusting Jesus, we read the law from this new perspective depicted in the parenthesis:

“Don’t ask in your heart:

‘Who will ascend into heaven?’

(which is where Jesus ascended)


‘Who will descend into the underworld?’

(which is where Jesus was lifted from the dead)

And then pay attention to what the next verse says:

“The word is near you: in your mouth and in your heart.”

—Deuteronomy 30:12–14

The “word” referenced in that verse is actually “trusting Jesus,” which I’ve been talking about! If you use your mouth to acknowledge Jesus as your authority and your heart believes that God woke Him from the dead, then you will be saved. We use our heart to entrust (which results in righteousness), and we use our mouth to admit (which results in salvation). Just like the ancient writings say:

“Whoever entrusts Him won’t be disappointed.”

—Isaiah 28:16

(12) Salvation is offered to both Israelites and non-Israelites

There’s no discrimination between Israelites and non-Israelites because the same Authority rules over everything and extends generosity to everyone who calls on Him. 

“Whoever calls on the Existing One will be saved.”

—Joel 2:32

(14) People can’t entrust Jesus unless they’ve heard about him

But how will they call on Him if they don’t trust Him? And how will they trust Him if they haven’t heard of Him? And how will they hear about Him if no one tells them? And how will someone tell them if no one has been sent? Just like it’s written:

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

—Isaiah 52:7

But not many Israelites listened to the good news, because Isaiah writes:

“Master, who has believed our report?”

—Isaiah 53:1

Trust comes from hearing, and hearing comes from the Chosen One’s instructions.

(18) Israel rejected God, so God offered salvation to the non-Israelites

Well then maybe the Israelites haven’t heard yet, have they? Of course they have! 

“The universe’s voice has resounded throughout the world, and its words have reached the ends of the earth.”

—Psalm 19:4

So then maybe the Israelites didn’t know, did they? Well, first of all Moses records God as saying:

“I’ll make you [Israel] jealous of people who aren’t even a country. I’ll use a foolish group of people to make you angry.”

—Deuteronomy 32:21

And Isaiah boldly writes this from God’s perspective:

“I [God] was found by people who weren’t looking for me. I materialized to people who weren’t asking for me.”

—Isaiah 65:1

And in Isaiah God also tells Israel:

“All day long I’ve been outstretching my arms to a country that’s disobedient and resistant.”

—Isaiah 65:2


Romans 11


Romans 9