Psalm 43 (Rhyming)

(1) Where Are You, God?

Avenge me, God, and plead my case;

Rescue me from this godless place.

You’re my shelter—why do You treat me with neglect?

Why do You let me cry while my foes go unchecked?

(3) Lead Me

Make Your light and truth proceed;

To guide me onward as my lead.

Bring me to Your mountain’s height,

Guide me to Your dwelling site.

Then I’ll go to a sacrifice-making station,

AKA: an altar of God, My Exhilaration,

I’ll use my harp to praise You in celebration.

(5) Wait for God to Show Up

I ask my soul, “Why are you depressed? 

Why this inner moaning and distress?

Just wait for God; I’ll praise Him anew,

He’s my God and my wellbeing too."


Psalm 42 (Rhyming)