Psalm 37 (Rhyming)

Don’t let bad people make you become irate,
Don’t let them lure you into a jealous state.
Like blades of grass, they’ll soon wither and fade,
Like dying plants, they’ll soon become decayed.
Be secure in God, and do good with your hands,
Befriending stability as you live in these lands.
Make Jehovah your delight and pleasure,
Then he’ll give you your heart’s greatest treasure.
Surrender your future over to the Lord,
Trust him to enjoy his fulfilling reward.
He’ll present your righteousness like the morning’s light,
The verdict for your trial will be like the sun shining bright.

Rest in Jehovah; yearn for him and wait,
When bad people prosper, don’t become irate.
Just calm yourself down and learn to let it go,
Getting worked up would just make the damage grow.
Destructive people will fail and fall,
But if we wait for God, we will inherit all.
Wait a little longer, and the bad guys won’t persist,
You’ll look where they stood but they cease to exist.
Lowly people will inherit land everywhere,
They will enjoy abundant peace and welfare.

Against good people, bad people are scheming,
They snarl at us with their teeth gleaming.
But when God sees evil people, he’ll just laugh and sneer,
Because he knows that their day is drawing near.
Evil people draw swords and pull their bows back,
Targeting good and poor people, ready to to attack.
But their own swords will stab them in the heart,
And their bows will become broken apart.

It’s better to be righteous and poor,
Than it is to be wealthy but impure.
Wicked people’s strength will vanish from sight,
While God sustains we who do what is right.
God watches how good people live every day,
And the things we have will never fade away.
We aren’t disappointed when trouble abounds,
Even during famines our fullness resounds.
Right now, God’s enemies might look really great,
But like smoke, wickedness will soon evaporate.
When bad people borrow, they don’t always repay,
Yet good people generously give things away.
We’ll inherit everything if God adores us, 
But we’ll come to an end if God ignores us. 

The steps we take are directed by God,
He sees our pathways and wants to applaud.
Even when we fall down, we’re not overcome,
Because God is the one where our strength comes from.
In all my years God’s people have never been stranded,
I’ve never seen their kids having to beg empty handed.
God’s people are always willing to lend,
Their kids are a blessing and a godsend. 

Do what is good and reject what is bad,
That will allow infinite life to be had. 
God loves it when the right approach is taken,
His faithful people will not be forsaken. 
We’ll be preserved and forever safeguarded,
While the evil people will become discarded. 
We’ll inherit the world if we follow the law’s ways,
And that’s where we’ll live until the end of days.
Words of wisdom are what good people convey,
Good people always know the right thing to say.
In our hearts, God’s instructions reside,
When we take steps our feet don’t slip or slide.
Bad people watch us, spying about,
Waiting for their chance to wipe us out.
But God won’t hand us over to be confiscated,
When we’re put on trial, we won’t be incriminated.
We’ll inherit the land if we adopt God’s mentality,
When evil is put to death, that will become a reality.

There are fearsome criminals who I can currently see,
And they seem to be flourishing like a sprawling tree.
But into nothing they’ll soon disappear,
I’ll look around for them, but they won’t be here.
Study wholesome people who do the right thing,
They are the ones who will have heirs and offspring.
But harmful people will become exterminated,
And their successors will become eliminated.
The Existing One rescues the upright and lawful,
He’s our stronghold when things start to get awful.
We’re saved from evil by the Existing One,
Since he’s the shelter and refuge to which we run.


Genesis 1


Psalm 36 (Rhyming)