Genesis 1

God created the universe

First, God created the earth and the rest of the universe. The earth was an empty wasteland. Darkness covered the surface of the primordial soup, while God’s spirit hovered over it.

Day 1: Light

Then God said,

“Let there be light,”

And light appeared. God saw how excellent the light was, so he set it apart from the darkness. He called the light “day” and the darkness “night.” There was an evening and a morning—the first day.

Day 2: Sky

Then God said,

“Let there be an expanse in the middle of the primordial soup that divides it.”

God made the expanse and separated the primordial soup so that there was matter below it and matter above it. God called the expanse “sky.” There was evening and morning—a second day. 

Day 3: Land & Plants

Then God said,

“Let the soup under the sky collect into one place, causing dry ground to appear.”

So that’s what happened. God called the dry ground “land,” and he called the soup “sea.” God saw how excellent it was and said,

“Let the land sprout vegetation: plants that produce seeds and trees that produce fruits that contain seeds for their species.” 

So that’s what happened, and God saw how excellent it was. There was evening and morning—a third day.

Day 4: Stars

Then God said,

“Let there be lights in the sky to set apart the day from the night. They’ll be used for signs, for navigation, and for keeping track of time. Let them illuminate the sky to shine on the earth.”

And that’s what happened. God made the stars as well as the two main lights: the brighter one for the day, and the dimmer one for the night. He placed them in the sky to illuminate the earth, to rule the realms of night and day, and to set apart the light from the darkness. God saw how excellent it was. There was evening and morning—a fourth day.

Day 5: Fish & Birds

Then God said,

“Let the waters teem with swarms of living souls, and let birds fly in the sky above the earth.”

God created the massive dinosaurs and every living thing that moves with a mind of its own. The soup swarmed with all kinds of species, and the sky was filled with all kinds of birds. God saw how excellent it was. God praised them, saying,

“Be fertile and multiply! Fill the world and its seas!”

There was evening and morning—a fifth day.

Day 6: Land Animals & Mankind

Then God said,

“Let the earth produce all kinds of living things with minds of their own, including cows, insects, and tigers—each with their own species.”

So that’s what happened. God made all kinds of animals, and he saw how excellent they were.

Then God said, 

“Let’s make mankind who will resemble us very similarly. We’ll let them govern over the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and the animals of the land.” 

So God patterned mankind after his own self and made them to resemble him very closely. He made them male and female. God celebrated them and told them,

“Be fertile and multiply! Fill the earth and tame it. Subdue the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the land animals. I’ve given you all the plants and trees that make seeds and fruit for you to eat. I’ve given all the lifeforms on earth all the vegetation to eat for food.”

So that’s what happened. God saw everything he had made, and sure enough, it all very excellent. There was evening and morning—the sixth day.


Genesis 2


Psalm 37 (Rhyming)