Jesus Foreshadowed in Genesis 1

Stars Would be Used for Signs

When I was reading Genesis 1, something stood out to me that I’ve never noticed before.

God says,

“Let there be lights in the heavens to separate the day from night. Let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years.”

—Genesis 1:14

When God created the stars all the way back in Genesis, he declares that they’ll be used for keeping track of time, but he also says that he’ll use them for signs.

A Star Signaled Jesus’ Birth

When I think of stars being used as signs, my mind immediately thinks of how God used a star to signal to the wise men that Jesus had been born.

When God was creating the universe back in Genesis, he already knew how everything would play out. When he was creating the stars, he was already thinking about how he would use them one day to signal Jesus’ birth.


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Set Apart by God