Psalm 28 (Rhyming)


Oh Lord, you are the one to whom I shout,
You’re my foundation—please don’t tune me out.
Because if you treat me with disregard,
I’ll be as dead as those in a graveyard.
Hear my voice as my cry for help still stands,
Toward your sanctuary I lift my hands.
With the criminals, don’t drag me away,
All that they do is done the wicked way.
They tell their neighbors friendly expressions,
While evil is their heart’s top possession.
Treat them according to their own actions,
Give them back their own corrupt transactions.
Since they disregard what God brings about,
God won’t build them up—he’ll flatten them out.

To the Existing One I’ll bless and kneel,
Because he heard the sound of my appeal.
As my shield and strength the Lord is portrayed,
When I trust in him he comes to my aid.
That’s why my heart and my soul will rejoice,
I’ll sing God a thankful song with my voice.
To God’s people God’s strength is connected,
God’s a safe haven to his selected.
Rescue your people and bless your estate,
Bless them forever—be their advocate.


Psalm 29 (Rhyming)


Psalm 27 (Rhyming)