Numbers 9

(1) God Instructs Israel to Observe Passover

On the first month of the second year after the Israelites had left Egypt, the Existing One spoke to Moses in the wasteland of Sinai, saying,

“Have Israel’s descendants celebrate Passover starting on the evening of the 14th day of this month, which is its designated time. Celebrate it by following all its rules and customs.”

So Moses told Israel’s descendants to observe Passover at the designated time, and so they did in the wilderness of Sinai. They followed all the instructions for it that the Existing One gave Moses.

(6) Can Impure People Observe Passover?

But there were some people who were impure because of a human soul [possibly referring to a dead person], so they couldn’t observe Passover that day. So those people went to Moses and Aaron and said,

“We know we’re impure because of human souls, but why aren’t we allowed to present the Existing One’s offering with the rest of Israel’s descendants?”

So Moses told them that he would listen and see what the Existing One’s instructions were for them. 

(9) Who’s Allowed to Observe Passover

 Then the Existing One told Moses,

“Tell Israel’s descendants that if any of them become contaminated by a dead person, they can still observe the Passover. They can also observe it when traveling abroad. They need to observe it on the evening of the 14th day of the second month by eating yeast-free bread and bitter herbs. They need to make sure they don’t leave any of its leftovers for the next morning, and they need to make sure they don’t break any bones from the meat they prepare. They need to follow all the usual rules for the Passover.

“But if there’s someone who hasn’t been contaminated and isn’t traveling abroad, and that person fails to observe the Passover, then that person should be cut off from his people for not presenting the offering to Me at the designated time. That person will bear the weight of his own offenses.

“And if there’s a foreigner living in your community who wants to observe the Passover, that person needs to follow all your customs for it. The Passover’s customs are the same for the natives and the immigrants.

(15) God Led Israel with Cloud & Fire

The same day that God’s house was set up, the cloud covered it. And in the evening, it looked like there was fire above it until sunrise. That’s how it always was: the cloud would cover it in the day, and it looked like there was fire above it at night. Whenever the cloud lifted up off the tent, Israel’s descendants would move out. And whenever the cloud stopped, that’s where the Israelites would set up camp. At the Existing One’s word Israel would set out, and at His word they would set up camp. Even when the cloud lingered somewhere for a long time, the Israelites would follow to the Existing One’s orders and stay there. Whether it was 2 days, a month, or a year, the Israelites continued camping wherever the cloud lingered over God’s house. They followed the Existing One’s orders and did whatever He said through Moses. 


Numbers 10


Numbers 8