Numbers 8

(1) The Lampstand

The Existing One told Moses,

“Tell Aaron to raise up the 7 lamps so they illuminate the area in front of the lampstand.”

So Aaron listened to the Existing One and mounted the lamps in front of the lampstand so it could do its job. The lampstand was a hammered work of gold from its base all the way up to its flowers. Aaron made it following the design the Existing One showed Moses. 

(5) Levites Initiated as Priests

Then the Existing One spoke to Moses again, saying,

“Separate the Levites from the rest of the Israelites and purify them. Here’s what you need to do to purify them: Sprinkle purifying water on them, have them shave their entire bodies, and wash their clothes—then they will be purified. After that, have them bring a bull and prepare a grain offering with fine flour mixed with oil. They’ll also need to bring a second bull as an offering for opposing Me. Bring the Levites to the front of My meeting tent, assemble the rest of the Israelite population, and present the Levites to Me. Then have Israel’s descendants lay their hands on the Levites, and have Aaron wave the Levites in front of Me. After that, they’ll be able to serve Me. Have the Levites place their hands on the bulls’ heads, and then offer Me one for opposing Me and the other as a roasted offering to cover for the Levites. After that, the Levites should stand in front of Aaron and his descendants, so they can present them to Me as a wave offering. 

(14) God Takes Levites as Israel’s Firstborns

“That’s why you need to set the Levites apart from the rest of Israel’s descendants: so they can be Mine. After they’ve been set apart, they can start serving in My meeting tent. You just need to purify them first and present them as a wave offering.

“After all, they’ve been allocated to Me out of all of Israel’s descendants. I took them for Myself instead of taking everyone’s firstborn child. The Levites are the ‘firstborn’ from all of Israel’s descendants. All the firstborns who have descended from Israel are rightfully Mine—including both the people and the animals. Remember? The day that I killed all the firstborns in Egypt was the day that I set apart all of Israel’s firstborns for Myself.

“But I decided to take the Levites instead of taking each individual firstborn Israelite son. And now I’ve given the Levites to Aaron and his descendants as a gift. Out of all of Israel’s descendants, they’ve been chosen to serve My meeting tent and cover for Israel’s descendants. That way, Israel’s descendants won’t have to get blasted by coming too close to My holiness.”

(20) Levites Start Serving as Priests

So that’s what they did to the Levites. Israel’s descendants followed the Existing One’s instructions given to Moses about the Levites. The Levites purified themselves from their wrongs, washed their clothes, and then Aaron presented them to the Existing One as a wave offering. Aaron also made amends for them so they’d be covered. After that, the Levites went into God’s meeting tent to perform their service under the supervision of Aaron and his son. The Israelites followed all the instructions that the Existing One gave to Moses concerning the Levites. 

(23) Levites Retire at age 50

The Existing One spoke to Moses again and said, 

“Here’s what I need the Levites to do. Starting at age 25, they need to enter into the service and work in My meeting meeting tent. But at age 50, they can retire from the service and don’t have to work any more. They’re welcome to continue helping their colleagues fulfill their duties in My meeting tent, but they themselves aren’t allowed to do any work. That’s how you should deal with the Levites concerning their duties.”


Numbers 9


Numbers 7