Numbers 10

(1) Israel’s Trumpet Protocol

The Existing One told Moses more, saying,

“Make two trumpets, hammered out of silver. Use them to call the population together and when it’s time for the camp to pack up and set out.

“When both of them are blown, the population needs to come to you at the entrance of My meeting tent. But if just one is blown, then only the leaders who are in charge of thousands will assemble.

“When you sound the alarm, the camps on the east will set out. And when you sound it a second time, the camps on the south will set out. But when it’s time to gather for an assembly, you should blow it without sounding the alarm.

“Aaron’s sons who are priests should be the ones who blow the trumpets. That should be an ongoing rule for you guys throughout the generations.

“When an enemy invades your territory and attacks, you should use the trumpets to sound an alarm so your God, the Existing One, will remember you and save you from your enemies.

“You can also blow the trumpet on days where you are happy, on holidays, and on the first day of each month. Blow them over your roasted offerings and peace offerings. They’ll remind your God about you, and I am your God, the Existing One.

(11) God Leads Israel to Paran

On the 20th of the second month of the second year, the cloud lifted up off of the place where God’s tablets were stored, so Israel’s descendants set out from the Sinai wilderness. The cloud settled down in the wilderness of Paran [which means “place of caverns”]. That was the first time the Israelites moved out, following the instructions the Existing One gave to Moses. 

(14) Israel’s Marching Order

  1. Judah’s descendants moved out first with their flag, their camps, and their armies. Nahshon (Amminadab’s son) led their army while Nethanel (Zuar’s son) led the tribal army of Issachar’s descendants, and Eliab (Helon’s son) led the tribal army of Zubulun’s descendants. 

  2. Then God’s home was taken down, and the descendants of Gershon and Merari set out, carrying its parts. 

  3. Reuben’s descendants moved out next with their flag and their armies. Elizur (Shedeur’s son) led their army with Shelumiel (Zurishaddai’s son) leading the tribal army of Simeon’s descendants, and Eliasaph (Deuel’s son) leading the tribal army of Gad’s descendants. 

  4. The Kohathites set out next, carrying the sacred objects. That way, God’s house would already be set up by the time they reached their destination. 

  5. Ephraim’s descendants took their flag and moved out next with their armies. Elishama (Ammihud’s son) led their armies with Gamaliel (Pedahzur’s son) leading the tribal army of Manasseh’s descendants, and Abidan (Gideoni’s son) leading the tribal army of Benjamin’s descendants.

  6. Dan’s descenadants took their flag and moved out next with their armies forming the rear guard for all the camps. Ahiezer (Amminishaddai’s son) led their armies with Pagiel (Ochran’s son) leading the tribal army of Asher’s descendants, and Ahira (Enan’s son) leading the tribal army of Naphtali’s descendants. 

That was the marching order for Israel’s descendants. 

(29) Moses Invites His Father-in-Law to Come

Then Moses told his father-in-law, Hobab (son of Reuel the Midianite),

“We’re leaving the place that the Existing One said He’d give to us. Come with us, and we’ll treat you well, because the Existing One has said good things concerning Israel.”

But Hobab replied,

“I’m not gonna come with you guys. I’m gonna go back to my homeland where my family lives.”

Moses responded,

“Please don’t leave us, because you know where we should camp in the wild, and you’ll be a good pair of eyes for us. If you come with us, we’ll treat you with whatever goodness the Existing One treats us with.”

(33) God Travels with Israel

So they set out from the Existing One’s mountain on a 3-day journey. They took the chest containing the Existing One’s pledge, and traveled with it at the front of the caravan as they looked for a place to rest. The Existing One’s cloud hovered above them on the day they set out. 

When they they picked up the chest to start their journey, Moses said,

“Arise, Existing One! Let your enemies be scattered, and let the people who hate you flee from your presence! 

And when they set it down after teaching their destination, he said,

“Come back to the many thousands of Israel, oh Existing One.”


Numbers 11


Numbers 9