Leviticus 7

Guilt offerings

“These are the rules for the guilt offerings. They are extremely sacred:

“They should kill the guilt offerings in the same place where they kill the burnt offerings, and its blood should be thrown against the sides of the altar. All its fat should be offered including the tail fat, the fat in the guts, the two kidneys with their fat near the loins, and the liver. The priest should burn these on the altar as a food offering and guilt offering to the Existing One. Any male priest may eat its meat in a sacred place because this practice is extremely sacred. The guilt offerings should follow the same rules for the sin offerings. The priest who makes amends with it can keep it, and the priest who offers anyone’s burnt offering can keep the skin of the animal offered. Every grain offering baked in an oven, prepared in a pan, or made on a griddle should belong to the priest who offers it. Every grain offering should be shared equally among Aaron’s sons wether it is mixed with oil or dry.

Peace offerings

“And these are the rules for sacrificing peace offerings to the Existing One.

“If he offers it as a means of thanks, then he should also offer with it the thanksgiving sacrifice of loaves mixed with oil (without yeast), wafers smeared with oil (without yeast), and loaves of fine flour thoroughly mixed with oil. He should bring loaves of bread (baked with yeast) along with his thankful peace offering sacrifice. He should offer one loaf from each offering as a gift to the Existing One. The priest who deals with the peace offering’s blood can keep those loaves. The meat from his thankful peace offering sacrifice should be eaten on the same day that it is offered. None of it should be kept overnight. But if he offers it as a vow or freewill offering, then it can be eaten on that same day and the leftovers can also be eaten on the next day. Whatever meat is left over on the third day should be burned up with fire. If any of its meat is eaten on the third day, whoever offers it won’t be accepted, and won’t be credited. It is spoiled, and anyone who eats it will carry his own guilt.

“Meat that touches anything unclean should not be eaten, but burned up with fire. Anyone who is clean may eat the meat, but anyone who eats the meat of one of the Existing One’s peace offerings while he’s unclean should be exiled from his people. Whoever eats meat from the Existing One’s peace offerings after touching anything unclean (human uncleanliness or animal uncleanliness) should be exiled from his people.”

Never eat fat or blood

The Existing One continued telling Moses, “Tell the Israelites: You shouldn’t eat any fat whether it be from an ox, a sheep, or a goat. The fat from an animal that died naturally or killed by wild animals can be used for anything else, but it should never be eaten. Anyone who eats fat that could have been a food offering for the Existing One should be exiled from his people. Also, you should never eat blood (from birds or animals) no matter where you live. Whoever eats blood should be exiled from his people.”

The priests can keep a portion

The Existing One continued telling Moses, “Tell the Israelites that whoever sacrifices a peace offering to the Existing One should bring it to the Existing One with his own hands. He should bring the fat and the breast so that the breast can be waved as a wave offering to the Existing One. The priest should burn the fat on the altar, but Aaron and his sons can have the breast meat. You should give the right thigh to the priest as a contribution from your peace offering sacrifice. Whichever one of Aaron’s son offers the peace offering’s blood and fat can have the right thigh as his portion. I have dedicated the breast that is waved and the thigh to Aaron (the priest) and his sons as their perpetual payment. This portion has been dedicated for Aaron and his sons ever since the day they were chosen to serve as the Existing One’s priests. The Existing One ordered that the Israelites give them this ever since they were anointed. It will be their perpetual payment throughout the generations.”

This summarizes the rules for the burnt offerings, grain offerings, sin offerings, guilt offerings, ordination offerings, and peace offerings that the Existing One ordered Moses to tell the Israelites on Mount Sinai.


Leviticus 8


Leviticus 6