Leviticus 6

Repay 120% of dishonest gains

The Existing One told Moses, “Here’s what you should do if anyone’s dependence on the Existing One is torn by scamming his neighbor with deposits, securities, robberies, or anything along those lines. If he has oppressed his neighbor or finds something after saying it was lost, as soon as he realizes his guilt he should pay back 100% of what he acquired by theft, oppression, or dishonesty plus an additional 20% to the rightful owner. He should bring a ram (in perfect condition) to the priest as compensation to the Existing One for a guilt offering. The priest will make amends for him before the Existing One and he will be forgiven for his incriminating deeds.”

Continual fire on burnt offerings altar

The Existing One told Moses, “Tell Aaron and his sons that these are the rules for burnt offerings. The burnt offering should lay on the altar all night until the morning with its fire burning burning. The priest should put on his linen clothes, take the ashes from the offering, and put them next to the altar. Then he should change clothes and carry the ashes outside the camp to a clean place. The fire on the altar should be kept burning without going out. Every morning the priest should burn wood on it, arrange the offering on it, and burn the peace offering’s fat on it. The altar’s fire should be kept burning continually without ever going out.

Grain offerings

“And these are the rules for grain offerings. Aaron’s sons should offer it before the Existing One in front of the altar. One of them will take a handful of its fine flour, its oil, and all its frankincense and burn this as its memorial portion on the altar as a fragrance for the Existing One. The rest of it should be eaten by Aaron and his sons without yeast. They should eat it in a sacred place: the courtyard of the meeting tent. I have given it to them as their portion of my food offerings. This is a really sacred thing just like the sin offering and the guilt offering. All of Aaron’s male descendants can eat it throughout the generations. Whatever touches them will become sacred.”

The Existing One told Moses, “Whenever Aaron or one of his sons gets anointed, he should offer the Existing One 2.2 liters of fine flour as a regular grain offering: half in the morning and half in the evening. It should be made with oil on a griddle. You should bring it well mixed in baked pieces like a grain offering, and offer it as a fragrance to the Existing One. The priest from Aaron’s sons who is anointed to succeed him should offer it to the Existing One as a decree forever. All of it should burned. All grain offerings should be completely burned (none of it should be eaten.)”

Sin offerings

The Existing One continued to tell Moses, “Tell Aaron and his sons that these are the rules for the sin offerings. The sin offerings should be killed in the same place that the burnt offerings are killed: in front of the Existing One because it is extremely sacred. The priest who offers it should eat it in a sacred place: the courtyard of the meeting tent. Whatever touches its flesh will be sacred and when any of its blood drips on any clothing, you should wash it in a holy place. The clay pot its boiled in should be broken. But if it’s boiled in a bronze container, then it needs to be scraped clean and rinsed in water. Every male priest may eat from it. It is extremely sacred. No sin offering should be eaten if its blood was brought into the meeting tent; it should be completely burned.


Leviticus 7


Leviticus 5