Leviticus 5

Sin offerings (continued)

Falsely testifying in court

“If anyone disobeys me by refusing to testify in court when he knows something, he will have to carry his own wickedness.


“If anyone unknowingly touches an unclean animal carcass, touches human uncleanliness of any kind, or takes an oath he can’t fulfill and then realizes his guilt and confesses, he should bring a female lamb or goat to the Existing One as compensation for his offense. The priest will make amends for him and his disobedience.

“If he can’t afford the lamb, then he should bring two turtledoves or two pigeons to the Existing One as compensation (one as a sin offering and one as a burnt offering). He should bring them to the priest who will offer the first one as a sin offering. He will wring its neck without severing the head, sprinkle some of its blood on the side of the altar, and drain out the rest of the blood at the base of the altar. (That one will be the sin offering). Then he should offer the second as a burnt offering following the normal procedures for burnt offerings. The priest will make amends for him and his offense, and he will be forgiven.

“If he can’t afford two turtledoves or pigeons, then he should bring 2.2 liters of fine flour as his offering for the offense he committed. He shouldn’t put any oil or frankincense on it since it’s a sin offering. He should take it to the priest, and the priest will take a handful of it as the memorial portion and burn that on the altar as a food offering to the Existing One. (That will be his sin offering.) The priest will make amends for him and the offense he committed, and he will be forgiven. Then the priest will use the remainder of the flour (just like is custom with the grain offerings).”

Guilt offerings

The Existing One told Moses, “If anyone’s faith gets ruptured by unintentionally disobeying any of the Existing One’s sacred things, he should bring a ram to the Existing One as compensation. The ram must be in perfect condition and valued in the same silver coins that the sanctuary uses. This will be his guilt offering. He will also make amends for the way he missed the mark by adding 20% and giving it to the priest. The priest will make amends for him with guilt offering ram, and he will be forgiven.

“If anyone fails by doing anything that the Existing One said not to do, even if it was unintentional, when he realizes his guilt, he will carry his own wickedness. He should bring the priest a ram (in perfect condition) as a guilt offering, and the priest will make amends for him and his unintentional mistake, and he will be forgiven. This is a guilt offering because the Existing One has found him to be guilty.


Leviticus 6


Leviticus 4