Genesis 6

(Fallen?) Angels & Humans Have Children

As humanity multiplied on earth, daughters were born. Angels saw how attractive the human women were, so they married whichever ones they chose.

Then the Existing One said, 

“I won’t let my spirit contest with each person forever. Their fleshly bodies lead them astray, so their lifetimes will be limited to 120 years.”

Giants walked on earth in those days. Angels impregnated human women who gave birth to children. These offspring were the famous mighty men from ancient times. 

God Wants to Erase Humanity & Their Corruption

Then the Existing One saw how perverse humanity was and how all their thoughts were always wrong. The Existing One’s heart was pained, and he felt sorry for making mankind. The Existing One said,

“I will erase humanity from the face of the earth. I’ll wipe out humanity, land animals, sea creatures, and flying birds, because I regret making them.”

But the Existing One viewed Noah favorably.

These records came from Noah’s descendants.

God Plans to Save Noah’s Family & Each Kind of Animal

Noah was a man of character who embodied completeness and walked with God. He had three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

The earth had become corrupted in God’s eyes, and there were so many things that were wrong with it. After inspecting it, God concluded that the earth had been ruined by all the fleshly bodies.

Then God told Noah,

“Everything that has flesh and blood will come to an end soon. They have filled the earth with so many issues, so now I plan to destroy them along with the entire planet.

“Noah, make a boat out of wood for yourself. Make it with cells and cover its interior and exterior with asphalt. Here’s how you should make it:

“450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet tall. Put a roof on it that is 1.5 feet from the top, and put a doorway on the side of it. Make it with 3 levels.

“I am bringing a flood that will destroy everything that has a fleshly body and the spirit of life. Everything on earth under the sky will die. But I’ll establish an alliance with you. You, your wife, your sons, and their wives can stay on the boat. Bring 2 of every kind of animal with you into the boat—one male and one female—2 of every kind of bird, mammal, and creepy crawlies. They will come to you to keep them alive. Gather every kind of edible food for yourself and take it with you to feed yourself and the animals.”

So Noah did everything as God had instructed.


Genesis 7


Genesis 5