Genesis 7

Noah Boards the Boat

Then the Existing One told Noah,

“Take your family and board the boat. You are the only one who embodies correctness in this generation. Take 7 of every kind of clean animal, and 2 of every kind of unclean animal. Make sure you have a male and female of each. Also take 7 of each kind of bird so they can repopulate the earth. In 7 days from now, I’ll rain on the earth for 40 days and nights and wipe every living I created off the face of the earth.”

Noah followed the Existing One’s instructions.

Flood Drowns All Life on Earth

Noah was 600 years old when the flood came.

Noah, his wife, his sons, and their wives all got on the boat. One male and one female of every kind of animal followed Noah on the boat. After the 7 days, the floodwaters came. It was Noah’s 600th year life in the 2nd month on the 17th. On that day, fountains burst open deep inside the earth, and windows in the sky opened, causing rain to fall on the earth for 40 days and nights.

After Noah, his family, and every kind of animal were on board, the Existing One closed the door behind them. The earth flooded for 40 days, and the waters rose higher and higher until they lifted the boat off the ground and eventually covered all the mountaintops. Every being on earth with a fleshly body died, including mankind, birds, mammals, livestock, and things that crawl on the ground. Everything that lived on dry ground and contained the breath of life died. God wiped out everything so that Noah and his family were the only ones left. The floodwaters prevailed on earth for 150 days [5 months]. 


Genesis 8


Genesis 6