Genesis 47

Joseph Introduces Family to Pharaoh

Then Joseph went and told Pharaoh,

“My family just got to Goshen! They came from Canaan and brought everything they own, including all their livestock.”

Joseph brought 5 of his brothers with him and introduced them to Pharaoh. Pharaoh asked them, 

“What is your occupation?”

They said,

“Your majesty, we are shepherds just like our ancestors. We came to live here because the famine is severe and there aren’t any more pastures in Canaan for our animals. Please, let us stay in Goshen as your subjects.”

Then Pharaoh told Joseph,

“Your family came here for you, and entire country of Egypt is at your disposal. Go ahead and settle them in the best region of the country. Let them live in Goshen, and if any of them are capable workers, you can put them in charge of my livestock.”

Then Joseph introduced his father Jacob to Pharaoh. Jacob blessed Pharaoh. and Pharaoh asked,

“How old are you?”

Jacob answered,

“I’m 130 years old, but my life has been short and miserable compared to my ancestors.”

After their conversation, Jacob blessed Pharaoh and left his presence.

So Joseph settled his family, giving them some of Egypt’s best property in the city of Rameses like Pharaoh ordered. [Rameses was a city in northern Egypt whose name means “child of the sun.”] Joseph sustained his father’s whole household with food, including Joseph’s brothers and all their kids. 

Joseph Accumulates Wealth for Pharaoh

There wasn’t any food left in the entire region because of how severe the famine was. Egypt and Canaan both became wastelands. But as Joseph sold his food, he amassed all the wealth in Egypt and Canaan, bringing it into Pharaoh’s possession. When everyone ran out of money, all the Egyptians came to Joseph and said, 

“You should just give us the food for free, since all our money is gone. Or do you want us to just die here in front of you?”

So Joseph said,

“Well, since your money is gone, then trade me your livestock for food.”

So they brought their animals and Joseph gave them food in exchange for their livestock, horses, and donkeys. That arrangement lasted for an entire year, but then the people ran out of animals. A year later they came back, saying,

“Your majesty, as you can see, all our money is gone and now you have all our animals too. My superior, the only things we still have are our bodies and our land. There’s no point in dying here in front of you or letting our land go to waste, so buy us and our land in exchange for food. We’ll become Pharaoh’s slaves. Give us seeds, so we can survive and put our desolate land to good use.”

So Joseph bought all the land in Egypt for Pharaoh because of how severe the famine was. He also acquired all the citizens from one end of Egypt’s border to the other. The only land he didn’t acquire was the priest’s, because Pharaoh allotted them specific property to live off of, so they didn’t sell theirs. Then Joseph said to the people,

“Look, I’ve purchased you and your land for Pharaoh, so take these seeds and farm the land. When harvest season comes, you’ll need to give 20% of the harvest to Pharaoh, and you can keep the other 80% to replant and feed your families.”

The people replied,

“We were as good as dead, but you revived us back to life! Let’s find favor in our master’s sight and become Pharaoh’s slaves.”

Joseph passed a decree that Pharaoh should receive 20% of Egypt’s produce, and that decree is still in effect today. The priests’ property was the only property that didn’t become Pharaoh’s. 

Israel Prepares to Die

Israel lived in Egypt’s region of Goshen where his family had some property. They prospered there and grew greater. Jacob lived in Egypt for 17 years, making him 147.

When Israel’s time finally drew near, he called his son Joseph and said,

“Please, if you view me favorably, then don’t bury me in Egypt. When I lie down and join my ancestors, take my body away from Egypt and bury me next to them.”

Joseph said,

“I’ll do that for you, Dad.”

He said,

“Swear to me.”

Joseph swore it, and then Israel bowed down in worship at the head of the bed. 


Genesis 48


Genesis 46