Genesis 46

Jacob Moves to Egypt

So Jacob (Israel) left Canaan and moved everything he had to Egypt. On his way, he stopped at Beersheba and offered sacrifices to the God of his father, Isaac. That night, God spoke to him in night visions, saying,

“Jacob, I am God—your father’s God. Don’t be scared about going to Egypt, because I’ll turn you into a significant nation of people there. I’ll go down to Egypt with you, and come back up with you too. Joseph will be there with you when the time comes for the light to finally leave your eyes.”

The next day, Jacob got back into one of Pharaoh’s wagons and set out from Beersheba with his sons, their wives, and their kids. They took their livestock and everything else they had acquired in Canaan and moved to Egypt. Jacob brought all his children and grandchildren with him. 

Jacob’s Family Tree

If you include all of Jacob’s daughters, he had 33 kids in total. He had 66 direct descendants who he brought to Egypt (not including his son’s wives). In total, Jacob’s household had 70 people in it if you include Joseph’s 2 sons who were born in Egypt.

Joseph Reunites with His Dad

Jacob sent Judah ahead of everyone else to lead the way to Goshen. As they approached, Joseph prepared his chariot and went to Goshen to be reunited with his dad. As soon as they met, Joseph threw himself into his father’s arms and couldn’t stop crying. Israel said,

“I can die now that I’ve seen your face and know that you’re still alive.”

Then Joseph told his family,

“I’ll go tell Pharaoh that you guys have arrived from Canaan. I’ll let him know that you are shepherds and herders and brought all you’re livestock with you. When he calls you and asks you about your occupation, tell him that you and your ancestors have been shepherds and herders ever since you were young. Make sure you tell him that so he’ll let you live in Goshen, because Egyptians look down on shepherds.”


Genesis 47


Genesis 45