Psalm 7 (Rhyming)


Oh Lord my God, I took my refuge in you,
"Save me from my enemies" is what you must do.
Or they'll rip my soul like a lion's prey,
Unsalvageable, they'll drag me away.

Oh Lord if there's any unfairness on my end,
Or if I've mistreated anyone who I call "friend",
If I have enemies I've wrongfully looted,
Let me be hunted down and prosecuted,
Let them trample me into the dust,
Downward, my reputation should be thrust.

Oh Lord, get mad and take a stand,
Oppose the rage of my foes firsthand.
Wake up and declare your sentence,
Making sure the countries are in attendance.
Come back more powerful than they,
The Lord's authority will be on display,
According to my integrity, may vengeance be granted,
Stop the evil, and make sure the righteous are firmly planted.
God's righteousness puts heart and soul to the test,
He shields the upright; his salvation manifest.
He's a fair judge whose anger will be expressed.

When people don't repent, God sharpens his sword,
He readies his bow and arrow & pulls back the cord.
His weapons are deadly and dire,
He takes his arrows and lights them on fire.

With Evil, unrepentant people make deals,
He makes mischief and then deception congeals,
He goes digging and excavates a pit,
Only to be the one who falls right in it.
His own mischief will come back to bite him,
His cruelty falls on his own head to spite him.

I'll thank God according to his perfection,
Because of his fame, I'll sing my affection.


Psalm 8 (Rhyming)


Psalm 6 (Rhyming)