Psalm 33 (Rhyming)

Shout for joy to God, all who are upright,
For faithful people praise brings them delight.
Play your harp to God and let your thanks ring,
Make music for him using a ten string.
Sing him a song that is completely new,
Play your song for him the best you can do.
All of God’s words are undeniable,
And all his actions are reliable.
He loves it when things are righteous and fair,
God’s goodness is on display everywhere.

God’s voice had the universe created,
By his breath he had it populated.
He pulls the sea’s waters into a heap,
In his storehouses he contains the deep.
Let the entire planet revere him,
Let its inhabitants learn to fear him.
He spoke and everything came to be,
It all appeared when he gave the decree.
The Lord undermines the wisdom of man,
And thwarts humankind when we try to plan.
Jehovah’s wisdom will always sustain,
Through generations his plans will remain.
If Jehovah is your god you’ll find glee,
His inheritance he chose you to be.

From heaven above God looks down below,
Observing mankind and watching them go.
He gazes down from his habitation,
Looking at the whole world’s population.
Each one of their hearts are the Lord’s to mold,
All of their actions he’ll closely behold.
Kings aren’t saved by their financial success,
Soldiers aren’t saved by the strength they possess.
No one is saved by the strength of a horse,
Expect it to save, and you’ll feel remorse.

If someone fears God, God is well aware,
He knows who hopes in his goodness and care.
He’ll rescue them from death when it arrives,
And when famine comes he’ll keep them alive.
For Jehovah we gladly wait around,
He is my soul’s shield where help can be found.
He causes our hearts to rejoice with glee,
His character is where our trust will be.
On us let your lovingkindness accrue,
According to the hope we’ve placed in you.


Psalm 34 (Rhyming)


Psalm 32 (Rhyming)