Psalm 32 (Rhyming)
When I’m forgiven it’s such a delight,
My wrongs are covered and put out of sight.
God counts me innocent—I am so glad,
Within me there’s no deceit to be had.
Concealing my sin wasted me away,
I constantly groaned all throughout the day.
Your hand weighed upon me both day and night,
It left me so drained like summer’s sunlight.
I admitted my wrongdoings to thee,
I didn’t conceal my iniquity.
To you I’ve confessed all my offenses,
And then you took on my consequences.
Let the godly ones find you when they pray,
Don’t let floods of peril sweep them away.
You are my shelter from tribulation,
You meet me with songs of liberation.
I’ll teach you the way and I’ll prosper you,
I’ll advise you and keep you in my view.
Don’t be like a horse; a creature unwise,
It needs bits and bridles to stabilize,
And won’t even come near you otherwise.
For the wicked ones much sorrow abounds,
But for God’s faithful the Lord’s love surrounds.
Rejoice in the Lord, you with hearts upright,
Let your shouts of joy erupt and ignite.