Psalm 17 (Rhyming)

Grant justice, oh Lord; listen to my plea,
Listen to my prayer offered honestly.
Let my verdict be determined by you,
Observe my case with fairness through and through.
You examine me: my heart you inspect;
You watch me at night; the proof you collect.
Investigate me! You won’t find a clue;
Staying innocent: I’ve resolved to do.
As for the violence that men like to spread,
I avoid those things just like you have said.
Every step I take follows your pathway,
My feet do not slip or wander away.

I called on you, God, since you’ll answer me,
Incline me your ear, listen to my plea.
Differentiate your goodness and love,
Protect those who hide underneath your glove.
Make me your treasure; keep me protected.
Your wing’s shadow keeps me undetected.
The wicked people destroy and pound me,
My ravenous foes come and surround me.
Their immoral hearts are closed off inside,
Their immoral mouths spout words filled with pride.
All of a sudden they surround us now,
They are determined to make us all bow.
They are like lions, claws eager to tear,
Lurking in tall grass; their prey unaware.

Oh Lord, confront them; humble them again,
Pick up your sword and save me from bad men.
Their worldly things are their only pleasure,
You quench their hunger solely with treasure.
Their kids are the thing that satisfies them,
Leaving wealth for their kids gratifies them.
But not me... YOU are what I want to see,
When I wake my prize will be seeing thee.


Psalm 18 (Rhyming)


Psalm 16 (Rhyming)