Psalm 14 (Rhyming)


“God doesn't exist” the foolish heart sings,
Those fools are corrupt and do awful things.
In all of mankind no one does good deeds,
Watching from heaven God searches for leads.
He looks for someone able to discern,
Just one person who makes God his concern.
They’ve all turned away; corruption has won,
Nobody does good—not a single one.

Why can’t evil ones get it through their head?
They consume people like they consume bread.
They should call on God when they’re in a fright;
God accompanies those who are upright.
The evil try to frustrate the oppressed,
But the Lord shelters those who are distressed.

Oh Jerusalem: birth a savior soon.
When the Lord restores His captive people,
Jacob will rejoice, Israel will swoon.


Psalm 15 (Rhyming)


Psalm 13 (Rhyming)