Philippians 4

(1) Cling to Jesus

So, my spiritual family—my spiritual family who I love and can’t wait to see; my spiritual family who is my crown and joy—that’s why you need to stand firmly in the Ruler. [referencing previous chapter]

(2) Have a United Mindset

I strongly recommend to Euodia and Syntyche that they have the same mindset in the Ruler. These ladies worked alongside me to spread the good news, so please help them. They helped me, Clement, and the rest of my coworkers whose names are in the book of life. 

(4) Ditch Anxiety and Delight in Jesus

Always delight yourselves in the Ruler. Let me repeat that: delight yourselves! Let everyone notice how reasonable your spirit is. The Ruler is in close proximity. Don’t be anxious about anything. Instead, talk to God no matter what the situation is. Tell Him what you need and have a grateful heart. If you tell Him what you want, His peace will watch over your hearts and your thoughts through Jesus. And His peace is so expansive that we can’t even comprehend it. 

(8) Focus on the Good

Lastly, my spiritual siblings, focus your attention on the kinds of things that are true, honorable, upright, undefiled, outstanding, and worth loving. Focus on things that lead to success and are worth celebrating. Implement the things that you saw in me, learned from me, and heard me talk about. If you do that, God’s peace will be with you.

(10) Jesus Carries Us through Our Struggles

I was really thrilled with the Ruler now that I’ve finally been on your mind again. Sure, I’ve been on your mind before, but you never had the opportunity to act on it. And it’s not like I’m mentioning this out of neediness, because I’ve learned to be content no matter what my circumstances are. I know how to live with less than I need, and I know how to live more than I need. I’ve learned the secret for every circumstance, whether it be going hungry or being filled, having a lot or having a little. I can always thrive in Jesus, who makes me strong. But you guys have done a good thing in taking on my suffering with me.

(15) God Will Reward Your Generosity

When the good news first started spreading and I left Macedonia, you Philipians will remember how you were the only church to give to me and reap the benefits. You even sent gifts to me multiple times when I needed support in Thessalonica. And my desire isn’t just for your gifts—my desire is for the gains that are overflowing in your spiritual bank account. I received everything that you guys sent me through Epaphroditus [whose name means “charming”], and now I have even more than I need. That was such a sweet fragrance, and a worthy sacrifice that delights God. And my God will take care of all your needs using the wealth of splendor found in Jesus. May our God and Father receive all the credit for the rest of eternity.

(21) Goodbye

Say “hello” to everyone there who is set apart in Jesus. Everyone in the spiritual family here are say “hello” as well. Everyone here who is set apart send their greetings to you, especially the ones in Caesar’s household. 

May Jesus the Chosen One smile upon you and accompany your spirit. 

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