Numbers 2

(1) Israel to be Centered Around God

The Existing One told Moses and Aaron,

“Each of Israel’s descendants need to set up camp according to their banners with the signs of their patriarchs’ households. Their camps should surround God’s meeting tent while facing it. 

(3) East

“The ones who camp on the East towards the sunrise should be under the banner of Judah’s camp. Their armies should be there too, along with their leader, Nahshon (Amminadab’s son). He’ll be there with his army of 74,600. 

“Next to his camp will be the tribe of Issachar and their leader, Nethanel (Zuar’s son). He’ll be there with his army of 54,400. 

“Next will be the tribe of Zebulun and their leader, Eliab (Helon’s son). He’ll be there with his army of 57,400.

“Altogether, Judah’s army will number 186,400, and they will set out first.”

(10) South

Reuben’s camp will be on the south side with their flag, grouped by army. Their leader, Elizur (Shedeur’s son), will also be there with his army and their 46,500 enlisted men. 

Simeon’s camp will be next to them with their leader, Shelumiel (Zurishaddai’s son), with his army and their 59,300 enlisted men. 

Gad’s tribe will be next with their leader, Eliasaph (Deuel’s son). His army will be there with their 45,650 enlisted men. 

“Reuben’s camp will have a total of 151,450 enlisted men, and they will set out second. 

(17) Center

“The tent I use for meetings will set out next. It will be in the center of all the camps with the Levites. The order that they camp will be the order that they set out. Everyone needs to be in their places by their flags. 

(18) West

Ephraim will be on the west with their flag, their armies, and their leader, Elishama (Ammihud’s son). Elishama’s army will be there with his army and their 40,500 enlisted men. 

Manasseh will be there with their leader, Gamaliel (Pedahzur’s son), Gamaliel’s army, and their 32,200 enlisted men. 

“The tribe of Benjamin is next with their leader,  Abidan (Gideoni’s son). He’ll be there with his army and their 35,400 enlisted men. 

“Ephraim’s camp has 108,100 enlisted men in total, and they will set out third.

 (25) North

“The tribe of Dan will be on the north with their armies and their leader, Ahiezer (Ammishaddai’s son). They’ll be there with their 62,700 men. 

Asher’s camp will be next to them with their leader, Pagiel (Ochran’s son). They’ll be there with their 41,500 enlisted men. 

“The tribe of Naphtali comes next with their leader, Ahira (Enan’s son). He’ll be there with his army and their 53,400 enlisted men. 

“Dan’s camp has a total of 157,600 enlisted men. They’ll set out last with their flags.”

(32) Israel Centers Around God

Those are the enlisted men of Israel’s descendants, grouped by household. In total, there are 603,550 men. But the Levites aren’t included in that number, just like the Existing One told Moses. So Israel’s descendants followed the instructions the Existing One gave to Moses. They camped by their flags, and set out in groups according to their patriarchs’ households. 


Philippians 4


Numbers 1