Philippians 1

(1) Intro

From: Paul and Timothy, indentured servants of the Chosen One, Jesus

To: All of God’s people in Jesus who live in Philippi [modern day Greece] including the leaders and servers. May you have favor and peace from God (who is our Father( and Jesus (who is the Ruler and Chosen One). 

(3) God’s Perfecting You

I thank God whenever I think of you guys. And I’m always filled with happiness whenever I pray for you, because I remember how much you’ve been helping spread the good news ever since day one. God started doing something good in you, and I’m confident that He’ll continue carrying it out until the day of Jesus comes. It’s warranted for me to think about you that way, since I hold you so close to my heart. Whenever I’m in jail or I’m defending and confirming the good news, you guys participate in God’s favor with me. I miss you with the same affection Jesus has—and God knows that’s true. I ask Him to grow your love to include more knowledge and perception. That way, you’ll be able to discover what’s most important, and you’ll be flawless and pure up until the day of the Chosen One. You’ll be full of all the wonderful byproducts that come with spiritual perfection. Spiritual perfection comes through the Chosen One, and the whole point of it is to increase God’s reputation and give us more reasons to admire Him. 

(12) Jesus is Being Declared

My brothers, I want you to know that my circumstances have led to more progress for the good news. My imprisonment for the Chosen One has become well known throughout the governor’s palace and with everyone else. Most of the brotherhood who now trust the Ruler as a result of my imprisonment are far more courageous about fearlessly communicating God’s intentions. Sure, some people talk about the Chosen One out of jealousy or competition, but others do it out of sincerity. The sincere group does it out of love, and they know that my assignment is to defend the good news. The insincere group does it out of selfish ambition with bad motives, trying to grieve me in my prison cell. So what should we make of that? Either way—whether it be insincere or genuine—people are telling others about the Chosen One… and I’m happy about that. 

(18b) God will Rescue Paul from Jail

And I’ll continue being happy, because I know it will end in me being rescued. I know I’ll be rescued through the way you guys are begging God to rescue me, and through the way that Jesus’s Spirit provides. I know I’ll be rescued, just like I’m anxiously waiting and hoping to be. That way, when I’m rescued, I won’t be put to shame. Instead, the Chosen One will be boldly magnified in my body through this situation (as always). Yes, He’ll be magnified through me whether I live or die. 

(21) Living & Dying are Both Good Options

To me, living is all about the Chosen One, and dying is beneficial. But if I do continue living in this fleshly body, that will mean I get to spend even more time productively working. I honestly don’t know which one I would prefer! I’m afflicted from both sides, because I want to go be with the Chosen One (which is far better), but staying in the flesh is needed for your sake. I’m convinced that’s how it is, which is how I know I’ll stay with you guys. That way, I’ll be able to help you depend on Jesus more and delight in doing so. And when I make it back to you guys, you can use me to brag about Jesus even more!

(27) Live Like Heaven is Your Home

Live like you’re a citizen of heaven. The Christian message is really good news—so live a life that’s worthy of it. If you live like that, it won’t matter if I visit you or not, because either way, I’ll hear about how firmly you guys are standing in one spirit with one mind that’s focused on trusting Jesus. (That’s how the Christian message tells us to live).

Your opponents won’t scare you at all—and that will point to the fact that they’re being destroyed while you’re being rescued. Your rescue comes from God and has been granted for the Chosen One’s sake. Yes, you’ll rely on the Chosen One, but you’ll also suffer on His behalf, facing the same discrimination I’ve been facing and still face today. 


Philippians 2


Ephesians 6