Ephesians 6

(1) To: Children

If you are a child, you should obey your parents in the Ruler, because that’s the way it should be. Value your mom and dad. After all, that’s the first rule God gave that comes with a promise:

“So that things will go well for you and you’ll have a long life on earth.”  

—Exodus 20:12 

(4) To: Dads

If you’re a dad, don’t agitate your kids. Instead, raise them by training and cautioning them like our Leader does. 

(5) To: Slaves

If you’re indebted to someone and have to work for them til your debt is paid, then you should listen to that person. Have the same heartfelt respect for them as you do for the Chosen One, and take them as seriously as you do the Chosen One. But don’t do that just to look good and impress people—do it because you’re slaves to the Chosen One who carried out God’s plan from the heart. Warmly serve people as if you’re serving the Ruler instead of people. Keep in mind that each person will receive back whatever good things they do, whether they are indentured servants, or independent. 

(9) To: Leaders

If you’re in a position of authority, treat others well. Stop threatening people, and keep in mind that their Authority Figure and yours is in heaven—and He doesn’t give special treatment.

(10) To: Everyone

And to everyone else: be strong in the Ruler and in His power. Clothe yourself with God’s full set of armor, so you can stand unwavering against the Accuser’s tricks. After all, our fight isn’t against flesh and blood, but against the age-old sovereignties, against the authorities, against the rulers of this dark world, and against the forces of evil in the spiritual realm. So pick up the whole set of God’s armor so you can resist when the time of evil comes. After you do everything, you’ll remain standing. So stand firm, “protecting your waist-down by buckling on your belt of truth,” [Isaiah 11:5] “and putting on the breastplate of moral perfection” [Isaiah 59:17]. Lace up “your feet by being ready to share the good news of peace” [Isaiah 52:7]. On top of all that, pick up the shield of trust, which will let you extinguish all the burning arrows the evil one shoots. And take the “helmet of being rescued” [Isaiah 59:17], and the sword of God’s Spirit, which is the words of God.

(18) Constantly Talk to God

Constantly talk to God in the Spirit, and tell Him all your desires. Keep these things in mind, and stay vigilant. Constantly ask God for things on behalf of His people. Ask Him to give me the words to boldly tell people the mystery of the good news. I’m a representative of that good news, which is why I’m chained up right now. Ask God to make sure I fearlessly keep telling people about the good news, like I should.

(21) Farewell

I also want to update you on my circumstances and how I am doing. Tychicus, the loved brother and trusty servant in the Ruler, will tell you everything. I sent him to update you, so you can know what’s going on with us. He’ll comfort you too. 

May God the Father and Jesus the Chosen One give everyone in the brotherhood peace, love, and faith. Favor be with everyone who loves Jesus with a pure love. 

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