Leviticus 21

Priests should be extra clean

The Existing One told Moses,

“Tell Aaron’s sons the priests that priests shouldn’t become unclean by touching a dead person unless if the person who died was a close relative, a parent, a child, a brother, or a sister who depended on him because she was single. He shouldn’t make himself unclean if the person who died was only related through marriage. They shouldn’t make bald patches on their heads, trim their beards, or make cuts on their bodies. They should be set apart for their God without tarnishing their God’s reputation. They present the food offerings to their God, so they need to be pure. They shouldn’t marry prostitutes or women who have been raped or women who have been divorced, because the priest is set apart for his God. You should sanctify him, because he offers food to your God. You should regard him as set apart because I, the Existing One, am set apart and I set you apart. If a priest’s daughter defiles herself by whoring, she also defiles her father and should be burned.

Chief priest should be ultra clean

“The chief priest who is anointed with oil and consecrated to wear the special garments shouldn’t let his hair down or tear his clothes. He shouldn’t go near any corpses or defile himself even for his parents. He shouldn’t leave the sanctuary because that would tarnish his God’s sanctuary, and his God’s anointing oil has consecrated him. I am the Existing One. He should only marry a virgin. He shouldn’t marry a widow, divorced woman, woman who’s been raped, or a prostitute. He should only marry a virgin from his own people so that his children aren’t tarnished, because I am the Existing One who sets him apart.”

Priests with defects shouldn’t offer the sacrifices

The Existing One told Moses,

“Tell Aaron that if any of his offspring (of any generation) has a defect, he shouldn’t offer food to his God. No one with a defect should approach, including anyone who is blind, lame, has a disfigured face, an elongated limb, injured foot, injured hand, or is a hunchback or dwarf, has defective eyes, an itching disease, scabs, or crushed testicles. None of Aaron’s defective offspring should offer the Existing One’s food offerings. Because he has a defect, he shouldn’t offer God’s food. He may eat his God’s bread (both the most holy, and the holy), but he shouldn’t go through the veil or approach the altar so that he doesn’t tarnish my sanctuary with his defect. This is because I am the Existing One who sets them apart.” So Moses told this to Aaron, his sons, and all of Israel.


Leviticus 22


Leviticus 20