Leviticus 20

Don’t sacrifice children to Molech

The Existing One told Moses:

“Tell the Israelites that if any of them or their visitors give any of their children to Molech, he should be stoned to death by the common people. I will personally oppose that man and will sever him from his people for giving one of his children to Molech, defiling my sanctuary, and tarnishing my reputation. If the people turn a blind eye and fail to execute him, then I will oppose that man, his family, and whoever else whores after Molech and cut them off from their people.

Don’t contact the dead or see the future

“If anyone consults someone who can contact the dead or see the future, whoring after them, I will oppose that person and cut him off from his people. So consecrate yourselves and be set apart, because I am the Existing One, your God. Keep my rules and obey them; I am the Existing One who purifies you. Anyone who curses his father or mother will definitely be put to death. He is marked by own blood for cursing his parents.

Sexual restrictions

“If a man has an affair with someone else’s wife, both of them should be killed. If a man sleeps with his father’s wife, he has exposed his father, and both of them should be put to death—their own blood is on their hands. If a man sleeps with his daughter-in-law, then both of them should be killed for their perversion—their own blood is on their hands. If a man sleeps with another man, then both of them have done something detestable. They should be put to death—their hands are stained with their own blood. If a man sleeps with one woman and also her mother, all three of them should be burned so that there’s no corruption among you. If a man has sex with an animal, he and the animal should both be killed. If a woman has sex with an animal, they should both be killed—their hands are stained with their own blood.

“If a man sleeps with his sister (any daughter of either of his parents) and they are naked together, that’s a disgrace, and they should be cut off from their people in front of the eyes of their own children. He has exposed her shame and will carry his wickedness. If a man sleeps with a woman while she’s on her period, then her bleeding has been exposed, and both of them should be cut off from their people. Don’t expose your aunt because that strips your own relative—both of them will carry their wickedness. If a man sleeps with his uncle’s wife, he has stripped his uncle, they will carry their sin, and will die childless. If a man sleeps with his brother’s wife, that is impure. He has stripped his brother, and they will be childless.

God is unlike any other & chose Israel to be different

“You should keep all my principles and rules so that you can live in the land I’m taking you to without being vomited out. You shouldn’t follow the customs of the country I’m expelling before you, because they did all these things and I hated them. I told you that you would inherit their land and that I’d give it to you along with all its milk and honey. I am the Existing One you God who has separated you from the rest of the world. So you should separate the clean foods from the unclean foods. Don’t defile yourselves by eating the wrong things when I set you apart to be clean. You need to be different for me because I, the Existing One, am unlike anything else and have chosen to separate you from the rest of the world to be mine.

“Anyone who contacts the dead or sees the future should be stoned to death—their hands are stained by their own blood.”


Leviticus 21


Leviticus 19