Exodus 28

Special clothes for priests

“Have Aaron and his sons (Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar) serve as priests. Make clothes for Aaron that are distinguished by splendor and beauty. Tell all the craftsmen who make Aaron’s clothes that I’m the one who endowed them with their talent and that these clothes will need to distinguish him to serve as my priest. These are the articles of clothing they’ll need to make: a chest piece, a cape, an outer robe, a woven under garment, a turban, and a waistband. These clothes will be set apart for your brother, Aaron, and his sons so they can serve as my priests. They should have fine linen and gold, blue, purple, and scarlet material. 


“The cape should be professionally woven out of gold, fine twisted linen, and blue, scarlet, and purple material. The cape should have two shoulder pieces on its ends which will be used for attaching it. The highlight of the cape should be a brilliant band made out of the same materials: gold, fine twisted linen, and blue, scarlet, and purple material.

“Take two onyx gemstones and engrave the names of Israel’s sons on them from oldest to youngest: 6 names on one, and 6 on the other. Engrave these two gemstones the same way that a jeweler would engrave a signet ring. Have the gemstones set in ornate gold latticework, and put them on the cape’s shoulder pieces as a memorial to Israel’s sons. Aaron will carry their names in front of the Existing One. Make two chains out of threads of twisted gold and attach them to the latticework. 


“Have a chest piece professionally made. Like the cape, it should be made out of gold, fine twisted linen, and blue, scarlet, and purple material. Make it a double-layered 9 inch by 9 inch square. Then mount 4 rows of gemstones on it:

1. The first row of rubies, topaz, and emerald
2. Second row of turquoise, sapphire, and diamond
3. Third row of jacinth, agate, and amethyst
4. Fourth row of beryl, onyx, and jasper. 

“Have the gems set in gold latticework.

“The gems will correspond with the names of Israel’s 12 sons, like the engravings on a seal: one for each tribe. Make two chains of twisted gold threads and use them to attach the golden lattices to the cape’s shoulder pieces. Put a gold ring under each of the cape’s shoulder pieces on the front of the cape (close to where it’s joined / above its professionally-woven band). Bind the chest piece’s rings to the cape’s rings with a blue cord so that it securely sits on top of the cape’s professionally-woven band without coming off. That way Aaron will carry the names of Israel’s sons over his heart with the chest piece of judgment when he enters the set-apart area. It will be a perpetual reminder in for the Existing One to see. Put the Light and the Perfection [two gemstones used for consulting God] in the chest piece of judgment. They’ll also be over Aaron’s heart when he enters the Existing One’s presence. Aaron will always carry the judgment of Israel’s sons over his heart in front of the Existing One. 


“Make the outer robe and the cape completely purple. They should have openings centered on their tops with woven borders around the openings so that they don’t tear.

“Make pomegranates out of blue, purple, and scarlet material and hang them all around the robe’s hem alternating with golden bells between each pomegranate. Aaron should wear this robe when he serves. People will be able to hear its faint jingle when he enters and exits the set-apart area in front of the Existing One in case if he dies. 

“Also make a flower out of pure gold and engrave it to say,

‘The Existing One is different.’

“Tie the flower to the front of the turban using a purple cord. It will be on Aaron’s forehead and that will allow him to remove the corruption from the sacred gifts that the Israelites offer me. The flower should always stay on his forehead so that Israel’s gifts might please the Existing One. 


“Have the undergarment, turban, and waistband professionally woven out of fine linen. 

“Make boxers, waistbands, and turbans for Aaron’s sons too so they’ll be honored. Distinguish and ordain Aaron and his sons while they’re wearing these clothes so that they can tend to me as priests. Make linen boxers that hang from their waist to their thighs to cover themselves. Aaron and his sons should wear these when they enter the meeting room tent or approach the altar to serve in the set-apart area so that they aren’t found to be obscene and die. That should always be their custom throughout their future generations. 

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