2 Peter 1

(1) Intro

From: Simon Peter, a slave and missionary of Jesus, the Chosen One. 

To: Everyone who’s received the same belief we did via the goodness of our God and Rescuer, Jesus. 

(2) We Have Life & a Divine Nature

May you experience increasing peace and favor as you become more and more acquainted with our God, Jesus. Thanks to His divine power, He gave us everything associated with life and godliness just through knowing Him. By His own splendor and excellence, He called us and promised us incredibly valuable things, and now we can share in His divine nature since we’ve escaped the corruption that runs rampant throughout the earth. (That corruption runs rampant because of humanity’s desire for forbidden things.)

(5) True Faith Radiates Good Qualities

That’s why you need to be diligent about pairing your belief with good morals, and your good morals with knowledge, and your knowledge with self control, and your self-control with stamina, and your stamina with godliness, and your godliness with brotherly love, and your brotherly love with the deep kind of love that comes from being spiritually connected. If you are overflowing with those qualities, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your relationship with Jesus. But if you aren’t radiating those qualities, then you are either blind or short-sighted, and you must have forgotten that you’ve been purified from your corruption. So, my brothers, be extra diligent about making sure that Jesus called you and chose you. As long as you radiate those kinds of qualities, you won’t stumble, and you’ll have an entry ticket into the eternal empire of our hero and boss, Jesus.

(12) Always Remember to let Your Faith Radiate Good Qualities

That’s why I’ll always remind you about these things even though you already know them and have been grounded in the truth that you can access anytime. As long as I’m in this earthly tent-of-a-body, I think that stirring you up with reminders is the right thing to do. After all, I know that my earthly tent will be put away soon—just like the boss, Jesus, told me it would. So I’m just being diligent about this so you’ll always remember it after I’m gone. 

(16) Peter was an Eye-Witness

It’s not like we were disillusioned with cleverly-crafted fairytales when we told you about Jesus’s power and His plans to come back—we were eye-witnesses of His magnificence! When Father God gave Him honor and glory, the Incredible Splendor announced,

“This is my cherished Son who I’m extremely proud of.”

We ourselves heard that same voice from heaven when we were with Jesus on the sacred mountain!

(19) Cherish God’s Word

But now God’s prophetic intent has been solidified—so you should pay attention to it like it’s a brilliant light in a dark place! Pay attention to it until the dawn arrives and the morning star rises in your hearts. But first, you need to realize that no prophecy in scripture is a matter of your own interpretation. No prophecy was ever made by an act of human willpower—prophecies are made by people being led by the Sacred Wind to speak on God’s behalf. 



2 Peter 2


1 Peter 5