2 Chronicles 28

King Ahaz sacrifices his sons to other gods

Ahaz was 20 years old when he began his reign, and he reigned for 16 years from Jerusalem. He did not do the right thing in the Existing One's sight like his ancestor David had done, but instead he followed in Israel's kings footsteps. He even made metal Baal statues and made offerings in the Valley of Hinnom's Son and burned his own sons as offerings, just like the detestable people who the Existing One drove out of that land before Israel. He sacrificed and made offerings in the shrines, and on hills, and under every green tree.

Syria & Israel pummel Judah

So the Existing One his God handed him over to Syria's king who defeated him and captured a significant number of people bringing them to Damascus. He was also handed over to Israel's king who attacked him forcefully. Pekah (Remaliah's son) killed 120,000 of Judah's soldiers in one day since they had forsaken their forefathers's God the Existing One. Zichri (a warrior from Ephraim) killed Maaseiah (the king's son) and Azrikam (the palace's commander) and Elkanah (the highest authority besides the king).

Israel's men captured 200,000 of their relatives, women, sons, and daughters. They also looted them and took the spoils to Samaria. But one of the Existing One's prophets was there (Obed), and he met the army and said, "As you can see, your forefathers's God the Existing One was angry with Judah and handed them over to you, but you have killed them in a rage that has reached up to heaven. And now you want to make Judah's and Jerusalem's people your slaves. Haven't you already offended your God the Existing One enough on your own? Please listen and send back the captives you took since they're your own relatives and the Existing One is angry at you."

Israel stops fighting Judah

The following leaders from Ephraim stood up against the ones who wanted the war:

  • Azariah (Johanan's son)

  • Berechiah (Meshillemoth's son)

  • Jehizkiah (Shallum's son)

  • Amasa (Hadlai's son)

They said, "Don't bring the captives here, because that would make us even more guilty against the Existing One than we already are. We already have a lot of guilt against him, and he is furious with Israel." So the troops brought the captives and the loot to the princes and the entire assembly. The men mentioned above took the captives and used the loot to clothe all of them that were naked. They gave them clothes, sandals, food, and drink. Then they anointed them and used their own donkeys to bring them to their relatives in Jericho (the city of palm trees). Then they returned to Samaria.

Assyria attacks Judah

By that time King Ahaz messaged Assyria's king for help since the Edomites had invaded Judah again, defeating them and carrying away captives. The Philistines raided the cities in Judah's Shephelah and Negeb regions. They captured Beth-shemesh, Aijalon, Gederoth, Soco (and its villages), Timnah (and its villages), and Gimzo (with its villages) and they settled there. The Existing One humbled Judah because Israel's King Ahaz led Judah in detestable behaviors and had been extremely unfaithful to the Existing One. But when Assyria's King Tiglath-pileser showed up, he attacked him instead of coming to his rescue. Ahaz had taken valuables from the Existing One's house and the king's palace to pay tribute to Assyria's king, but it didn't help him.

Ahaz closes God’s temple and worships other gods

In his distress King Ahaz became even more faithless to the Existing One. He sacrificed to Damascus's gods that defeated him and said, "Since Syria's gods help Syria's kings, I'll sacrifice to them so that they'll help me." But they turned out to be his downfall along with all of Israel. So Ahaz took all the valuables from God's house, cut them into pieces, locked the doors on the Existing One's temple, and made altars for himself in every corner of Jerusalem. He made shrines in every single one of Judah's cities and made offerings to other gods, provoking his forefathers's God the Existing One to anger. The rest of his history from beginning to end is recorded in the book of Kings.

So Ahaz joined the slumber of his ancestors and they buried him in Jerusalem since they didn't bring him to the kings's cemetery. His son Hezekiah took the throne in his place.


2 Chronicles 29


2 Chronicles 27