2 Chronicles 2

Solomon orders cedar from Tyre

Then Solomon decided to build the Existing One's temple and a royal palace for himself. He assigned 70,000 manual laborers plus 80,000 to quarry in the countryside hills, plus 3,600 to oversee them. He sent a messenger to Tyre's King Hiram saying, "Send me cedar like you sent my father David. I'm about to build a house dedicated to the Existing One my God. It will be used for burning sweet incense to him, for regularly arranging the showbread, and for sacrificing the burt offerings morning and evening on our Sabbaths, new moons, and other holidays like the Existing One instructed Israel. The house that I'm about to build will be magnificent, since our God is greater than any other god. Who could ever build him a proper house since even the highest heaven cannot contain him? Who am I to build a house for him? All I can do is build a place to make offerings to him. So please send me a craftsman skilled in working with gold, silver, bronze, and iron who can also work with purple, crimson, and blue fabrics and also in engraving. Send him to join Judah's finest craftsmen in Jerusalem. Also send me cedar, cypress, and algum timber from Lebanon, because I know how well your servants cut timber in Lebanon. I'll send my servants to join yours in preparing all that timber, because we'll need a lot for the magnificent house I'm about to build. I'll provide the lumberjacks, 120,000 bushels of crushed wheat, 120,000 bushels of barley, 120,000 gallons of wine, and 120,000 gallons of oil."

Tyre sends cedar

Then Tyre's King Hiram sent a letter replying, "The Existing One loves his people which is why he made you their king. May Israel's God the Existing One be favored, for he made heaven and earth and gave King David a wise and understanding son who will build a temple for the Existing One and royal palace for himself.

"I sent a skilled and experienced craftsman, Huram-abi (his father is from Tyre and his mother was Dan's daughter). He is trained to work with gold, silver, bronze, iron, stone, wood, and with purple, blue, and crimson fabrics, and with fine linen, and with all kinds of engravings and designs. He'll join the craftsmen of my lord David, your father. Go ahead and send the wheat, barley, oil, and wine you mentioned. We will cut whatever timber you need from Lebanon and put it on rafts and deliver it to you in Joppa so you can take it to Jerusalem."

Solomon assigns workers

After that, Solomon took a census of all the immigrants who lived in Israel and found that there were 153,600 of them. 70,000 were assigned to do manual labor, 80,000 to quarry the countryside hills, and 3,600 to oversee the others.


2 Chronicles 3


2 Chronicles 1