2 Chronicles 1


King Solomon sacrifices 1,000 offerings to God

David's son Solomon established his reign, and the Existing One his God was with him and made him exceptionally renowned.

Solomon gave a speech to all of Israel including the military commanders, judges, leaders, and patriarchs. He took the entire assembly with him and went to the shrine at Gibeon where God's meeting tent was that Moses had made in the wilderness. (David had relocated God's ark from Kiriath-jearim to the tent in Jerusalem.) Bezalel (Uri's son and Hur's grandson) had made a bronze altar in front of the Existing One's tabernacle, so Solomon took the assembly there and offered 1,000 burnt offerings on it.

God gives Solomon supernatural wisdom

That night God appeared to Solomon and told him, "Ask whatever you want and I'll give it to you." So Solomon told God, "You have steadily shown great love toward my father David, and you made me king in his place. Oh God the Existing One, fulfill the word you gave my father David. You made me king over a country that has as many people as the earth has dust particles. Give me wisdom and knowledge to lead, because who can govern this nation of yours which is so massive?" God answered Solomon, "You could have asked for possessions, wealth, honor, military victories, or even long life, but because you asked for wisdom and knowledge to help you govern my people, I will give it to you. I'll also give you more wealth, possessions, and honor than any other king before or after you." So Solomon left God's meeting tent at Gibeon and returned to Jerusalem where he proceeded to reign over Israel.

God blesses Solomon with wealth

Solomon assembled 1,400 chariots and 12,000 horsemen which he stationed throughout the chariot cities and with him in Jerusalem. He made silver and gold as common as stone, and cedar as plentiful as sycamore from Shephelah. His traders paid top dollar to import horses from Egypt and Kue. They bought chariots from Egypt for 14.5 pounds of silver each, and horses for 3.6 pounds of silver each. They also exported them to all the Hittite kings and Syrian kings.


2 Chronicles 2


1 Chronicles 29