1 Peter 4

(1) Expect Opposition

The Chosen One endured physical suffering, so you should equip yourselves with that same mentality. Whoever endures physical suffering is being protected from corruption and can live the rest of their lives for God’s desires instead of man’s desires. You had plenty of time in your past to carry out the desires of godless people. That’s when you were sexually active and followed your own desires, got drunk at parties, ignored the rules, and prioritized other things over God. Now your friends wonder why you don't join them in that same lavish lifestyle any more, and they make fun of you for it, too—but they’ll have to eat their words in front of Someone who is ready to assess the living and the dead. The exciting news was told to people who are spiritually dead so that their spirits would have a chance to live in alignment with God’s desires even though their bodies are human. 

(7) Use Your Gifts to Help Others

The end of the world is quickly approaching, so be sensible and have a level-headed spirit so you can pray. Above all, stay passionate about loving each other, because love overpowers lots of offenses. Be hospitable toward each other without grumbling. Each person has received a special charisma, so everyone should use theirs to help others. That way, we’ll all be good administrators of God’s multifaceted graciousness. Whoever speaks should do so as if they are God’s own spokesperson. Whoever helps people should do so as if God gives them the strength to do it.  That way, God can be magnified through Jesus who is the rightful owner of all the prestige and power forever. That is for sure!

(12) Suffering for God is Worth It

Loved ones, don’t be surprised by this current fiery hardship as if something strange were happening to you—it’s there to test you. However much you share in Jesus’s sufferings is how much you should rejoice so that you’ll be able to celebrate when His excellence is finally revealed. If people make fun of you because of Jesus, you are actually blessed, because God’s incredible spirit rests on you. Make sure that none of you suffer for being a murderer or thief who does bad things or meddles in other people’s business—but if you suffer for being a Jesus-follower, you don’t have to be ashamed, because you’re magnifying God. It’s time for the court hearing to begin, starting with God’s household—and if it starts with us first, then what will be the outcome for people who don’t comply with God’s good news? And if a good person is barely rescued, then what will become of bad people and criminals? That’s why we who suffer in the way God wants should present our lives to the trustworthy Creator by doing the right thing. 


1 Peter 5


1 Peter 3