1 Chronicles 28

David charges Solomon to build temple

In Jerusalem David assembled all of Israel's officials, the tribes' officials, the officers of each division that served the king, the army commanders, the property managers, palace officials, and mighty warriors. Then King David stood up and said: "Listen, my brothers and my people. I had wanted to build a house for the the Existing One and his ark of commitment. I even made preparations for the building, but God told me, "Don't build a house for me, because you are a man of war who has shed a lot of blood.' Yet Israel's God the Existing One still chose me from my father's lineage to be Israel's king forever. He chose Judah, and from Judah he chose my father's family, and from my father's family he was pleased with me and made me Israel's king. And now from all of my sons (for the Existing One has given me many sons) he has chosen Solomon to take my place on Israel's throne. He told me, 'Your son Solomon is the one who will build my house and courtyards, for I have chosen him to be my son, and I will be his father. I will establish his kingdom forever if he continues to keep my commandments and my rules like he does today.' Now in front of God and the entire country of Israel, look for your God the Existing One's orders so that you can take hold of this good land and pass it on to your descendants forever.

"And you, Solomon my son, get to know my God and serve him with your entire heart and with a willing mind, because the Existing One explores everyone's heart and sees all their thoughts and plans. If you look for him, you will find him, but if you abandon him, he will throw you away forever. Be very careful, because the Existing One has chosen you to build a house for him. Be strong and do it."

David gives Solomon the temple plans

Then David gave Solomon his son the plans for the temple entrance, its houses, treasuries, upper rooms, inner chambers, and the room for the mercy seat. David gave him the plans for everything he had in mind, including:

  • the building

  • the dedicated gifts

  • how to divide the priests and Levites with their duties

  • the amount of gold and silver to use for each vessel and lampstand

  • the amount of gold and silver to use for each showbread table

  • the amount of gold for the forks, basins, cups, and bowls

  • the amount of gold to use for the incense altar

  • the golden chariot with cherubim who would spread their wings and cover the ark of the Existing One's commitment

"Follow these plans, because they came from the Existing One through writing."

David encourages Solomon

Then David told his son Solomon, "Be strong and brave and do these things. Don't be scared or overwhelmed, because my God the Existing One is with you. He won't leave you or abandon you for as long as you are working on this project. Observe the way the priests and Levites are divided to serve God's house. Everyone who is willing and able, including the officers will be with you and wholly at your command.


1 Chronicles 29


1 Chronicles 27