Why Does God Send People to Hell Who Have Never Heard of Jesus?

Imagine you are born in a place where no one around you has even heard of Christianity, and then you die without ever having the opportunity to know Jesus. Does God really send those people to Hell? How is that fair? Why does he allow that?

The Bible seems to imply that at one point Adam and Eve were the only two human beings in existence, and God explicitly revealed himself to them. That means at one point, the entire human race would have known about God.

But people reject God and walk away from him.

The Bible says that the sins of a father have consequences that last for generations.

“I lay the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected—even children in the third and fourth generations of those who reject me.”

—God in Deuteronomy 5:9

Sadly, if someone were to reject God and then have enough descendants to fill an entire country, then that country would know much about God.

But this is why I and so many other believers devote our lives to reaching the lost.


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