What is “The Word” (Logos) in the Bible?

Scriptures Mentioning “The Word”

John 1 talks about “the word” when it says,

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

—John 1:1

2 Peter 1 also talks about it when it says,

“We have the prophetic word made firm, and you’d do well to pay attention to it as if it were a light shining in a dark place…”

—2 Peter 1:19

“Logos” Definition

In these verses, the “word” in the original Greek is “logos,” which can be defined as follows:


1. something used to express inward thought

2. a word, not in the grammatical sense, but one that embodies a concept or idea

3. inward thought, reason

After considering these definitions, it sounds like God’s “logos” is His inward ideas, thoughts, and reasoning. The “word” is kind of like God’s intent.

Conclusion: God’s “Word” Materialized as Jesus

Both verses above that mention God’s “word” seem to be referring to Jesus. Like Peter says, God’s inward intent used to be a mystical, intangible thing, but now it has materialized itself into the form of Jesus. Jesus is God’s intent in human-form.


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