9 Characteristics of Spiritual Life

image inspired by Avatar: The Last Airbender

Scripture makes it clear that “God = Life,” but what are the characteristics of “Life?” What does “Life” look like?

Because “God = Life,” learning more about one will tell us more about the other. If I want to find out what LIFE is like, then I need to find out what GOD’S SPIRIT is like. One of the best descriptions of God’s Spirit can be found in Galatians 5 where God’s characteristics are listed as the “fruit” of the Spirit (or “byproducts” of His Spirit).

Wherever God’s Spirit is, these qualities bubble up automatically:

1. Life is Loving

Life is driven by a genuine appreciation and enjoyment of others that appears recklessly selfless to the outsider. Because Life values others so highly, Life will actively seek out ways to increase the well-being of someone else, even if Life has to spend its own resources to do so. Life will gladly give of itself, making great sacrifices when it knows someone else will truly benefit from it. In the same way that people spend their resources providing for themselves, Life is happy to spend them on somebody else. In the same way that a mother prioritizes her child’s needs over her own, Life generously gives of itself, finding joy in making the sacrifices required to enrich the existence of others.

2. Life is Joyful

Life experiences high levels of satisfaction and happiness. Even in the midst of sorrow, Life remains filled with hope. Even the most unfavorable circumstances will seem like a tiny drop of water compared to the ocean of hope and gratitude that Life finds continually welling up from within itself. Thankfulness is like a fire burning in Life’s heart that keeps it filled with warm feelings of sincere gratitude, leaving no room for discontentment. Life’s limitless joy provides it with feelings of great pleasure and euphoria.

3. Life is Peaceful

Life feels a deep sense of harmony emanating from within itself. Life possesses a calm sense of stability and stillness so strong that it forces out all anxiety and worry. Life possesses such a high level of mental serenity that it finds freedom from any mental disturbances or upsets. Life cannot be shaken.

4. Life is Patient

Life doesn’t mind waiting for others and is not frustrated by time expectations. Life accepts delays, problems, and misfortune without complaining. Instead of reacting immediately, Life waits, giving the offender a chance. Life tolerates trials and opposition without restlessness or irritation because the inner sense of peace it has is so overwhelmingly powerful.

5. Life is Kind

Life is friendly, warm, and welcoming towards others because it genuinely cares for them and wants them to thrive. The way Life views others and interacts with them is with sympathy and care, seeking to be helpful. Life’s heart is governed by such strong compassion that it suffocates any inkling of cruelty and harshness. Life isn’t just filled with benevolent feelings toward its neighbor; it channels those feelings into actions as Life seeks to bless those around it. 

6. Life is Good

Filled with the highest possible levels of integrity, Life is morally spotless. Life is so blameless and pure that Life is actually incapable of undergoing any kind of corruption or perversion. The epitome of virtue and ethics, all of Life’s ways are upright and just. Because Life is so completely righteous while also being incorruptible, Life is not only “good,” but it’s actually SO good that it’s perfect.

7. Life is Faithful

Forever faithful, Life is dependable, loyal, and reliable. Always worthy of being trusted, Life is like a friend we can count on not only during the good times, but also during times of crisis. Fully committed and dedicated to his word, Life is unwavering. Life’s level of devotion is so steadfast that Life is incapable of breaking a promise. Life is unshakably faithful.

8. Life is Gentle

Supremely considerate and respectful of others, Life is soft and delicate as it deals with others. Sympathetic and understanding towards the feelings of others, Life goes out of its way to avoid any unnecessary abrasiveness or harshness. Like a mother with her newborn baby, Life is gentle and careful in the way he handles people. Containing absolutely no hostility, Life deals gingerly and tenderly with people, always careful to not cause them harm.

9. Life is Self-Controlled

Operating under complete self-control, Life is not mastered by anything other than himself. Autonomous, death and everything leading to death have no influence over Life. Defying his enemies, Life maintains complete control over his own thoughts and actions without ever giving in to corruption. He operates under such high levels of discipline, self-restraint, and determination that the result is nothing other than absolute self-mastery.

The more I understand what Spiritual Life is like, the more I want it to dictate how I operate. The more we invite God’s Spirit to guide our daily lives, the more we’ll naturally start experiencing these characteristics. The closer we are to God, the closer we are to Life.


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