Zephaniah 3

(1) God is Upright Despite Judah’s Corruption

How tragic it will be for she who is rebellious and polluted—that oppressive city [Judah]! She didn’t listen to anyone, rejecting all guidance. She didn’t derive her sense of security from the Existing One. She didn’t come close to her God. Her leaders are like savage lions, and her governors are like wolves at dusk: they don’t leave anything for the next morning. Her prophets are reckless back-stabbers. Her priests have defiled the sanctuary, assaulting the direction God gave them. But The Existing One is still fully ethical in her midst. He won’t do anything immoral. Every morning He brings His integrity to the light. He never fails and isn’t lacking anything. Yet the people are immoral and don’t feel ashamed about anything. 

(6) God Tried Warning Judah

“I have eliminated entire nations. Their corner towers have been devastated. Their streets are in ruins. Not a soul can be seen walking around them. Their cities are laid waste, without a single inhabitant. I told Judah,

‘Surely you will respect Me. Just accept the advice I’m giving you.’

I told her that so her living quarters wouldn’t get destroyed like all My warnings cautioned her about. But her people were eagerly focused on corrupting every aspect of their actions. 

(8) God will Remove the Bad People

“Wait for Me. Wait for the day when I stand up as a witness. The verdict I’ve decided is to gather entire nations, assemble entire kingdoms, and pour out my frustration on them—all of my burning fury. The entire world will be burnt to a crisp by the fire of my jealousy.

“Then I’ll transform the people’s mouths, purifying the way they talk. All of them will cry out to Me, asking to partner with Me in My work. People will come from beyond Ethiopia’s rivers to ask Me for things and bring Me offerings. Those people are my daughters who have been scattered to other places.

“When that day comes, you won’t feel ashamed for all the rebellious things you’ve done against Me, because that’s when I’ll remove everyone from your midst who is happily prideful. You won’t ever be arrogant again on My sacred mountain.

(12) The Weak Will Refuge in God

“But I’ll let all the needy and weak people stay with you, and they will take refuge in the Existing One’s reputation. The rest of Israel won’t do anything wrong or tell any lies. There won’t be a deceptive tongue left in their mouths. They’ll be able to graze and lie down without anyone making them tremble.”

(14) God Will be in Love with His People

Shout for joy, Jerusalem’s daughter! Shout in triumph, Israel! Celebrate with your entire being, because the Existing One has taken away His rulings against you. He cleared out your enemies! Israel’s King, the Existing One, is in your midst. You don’t ever have to be scared of disasters again. When that day comes, people will tell Jerusalem,

“Don’t be scared, Jerusalem. Don’t let your body posture droop. The Existing One, your God, is in your midst, and He’s a prevailing warrior. He will cherish you with much delight. He will be speachlessly in love. He will take joy in you with exhilarating shoults.

(18) God will Make the Oppressed Famous

“I’ll take away the people who grieve about the holidays I told them to celebrate—and those people came from you, Jerusalem. The shame of being exiled will weigh on them.

“When that time comes, I’ll deal with everyone who’s exploiting you. I’ll save the people who are physically impaired, gather the outcasts, and turn their shame into fame and adoration across the entire world. When that time comes, I’ll bring you in and even give you worldwide fame and adoration while I gather you together. Yes, I’ll give you fame and adoration with the whole world when I reverse your captivity right before your eyes.”

Says the Existing One.  


Habakkuk 1


Zephaniah 2